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词汇 撕下
例句 Tear along the perforated line and return the bottom part of the form.顺齿孔撕下表格的底部并交回来。He ripped a page out of the phone book.他从电话簿上撕下了一页。He tore off a piece of bread and ate it.撕下一片面包,把它吃了。Please detach the last section of this form, fill it in, and return it to us.撕下表格的最后一部分,填好并寄回给我们。The attendant tore off the parking ticket and handed it back.管理员撕下一张违章停车罚款单交回。He tore out the cheque and handed it over.撕下支票递了过去。The coupon is not valid if detached.折价券撕下无效。She tore a corner off of a sheet of paper and wrote her number on it.撕下纸的一角写上了她的电话号码。Please detach and return the slip below.撕下下面的凭条并交回。Tear off the coupon and send it to this address.把赠券撕下,寄到这个地址去。Detach this card and mail today to order your copy of the new book.撕下附卡,即日邮寄以订购这部新书。They tore down curtains and stripped off wallpaper.他们扯掉窗帘,撕下墙纸。Someone has torn a page out of the book.有人从这本书上撕下了一页。He broke the seal and opened the envelope.撕下封条,拆开了信封。He carefully tore out the photograph in each book.他小心地撕下每本书中的照片。He tore out the page and ripped it to shreds.撕下那一页,把它撕得粉碎。Tear off the form along the perforations and send it to Sales.沿着纸孔撕下表格,寄给销售部。I tore a sheet off the top of the block.我从这叠纸的最上面撕下了一张。She tore a sheet out of her notebook.她从笔记本上撕下一张纸。Tear off the slip at the bottom of this page and send it back to us.把这页纸底部的回执撕下寄回给我们。She scribbled on her prescription pad and handed me a sheet.她在处方便笺簿上划拉了几笔,然后撕下一张递给我。Remove the old wallpaper and fill any holes in the walls.撕下旧墙纸,把墙上的洞都填平。She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthwise.撕下两格纸巾,然后纵向对折。Detach the white part of the application form and keep it.把申请表的白色部分撕下存底。Detach the white part of the application form.撕下申请表的白色部分。The edge of the order blank in the catalog was perforated so that it could be torn out easily.商品目录中空白订单的边沿打有孔眼线,便于撕下Please detach and fill out the application form.撕下并填写好申请表。The form is perforated to make detachment of the bottom section easier.表格上打有孔眼便于将底下部分撕下The velvet glove was off and the mailed fist was bared.撕下了温柔谦让的假面具,露出了暴力的狰狞真面目。




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