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词汇 club
例句 Baltimore officials have confirmed that Olson will sign a two-year contract with the club.巴尔的摩的高层人士已经证实,奥尔森将与该俱乐部签约两年。The club says it will make increasing amounts from merchandising.俱乐部声称可从衍生商品中获得越来越多的利润。After the scandal, he was blackballed from the club.出了这件丑事后,他被取消了俱乐部会员的资格。They made her a member of their club. = She was made a member of their club.他们吸收她为俱乐部的成员。He has been a good servant to this club.他一直是这个俱乐部的优秀职员。After another incident last week, the club's reputation for violence is beyond redemption.这个俱乐部上周又出事了,这下它的暴力名声算是无可挽回了。He has resigned his membership of the club.他已退出俱乐部。The club meets every Wednesday night.俱乐部每周三晚上开会。At last they've lifted the ban on jeans at the club.最终他们取消了在俱乐部禁止穿牛仔裤的规定。He had been the pillar of the club all his life.他一生都是这个俱乐部的台柱。The family belongs to a country club.这家人是乡村俱乐部的成员。At the club you can choose between a relaxing bath and a massage.在俱乐部你可以放松地洗个澡,或者做个按摩。The club is a showcase for new comics.这个俱乐部是专供初次登台的喜剧演员亮相的场所。Drug pushers have been warned to stay away from the club.卖毒品的人已经被警告远离这个俱乐部。The club is keen to keep hold of its star player.这个俱乐非常想留住它的明星球员。The club is in debt while others are queuing to cherry-pick their best players.这家俱乐部债台高筑,其他俱乐部则排着队等候挑选它最优秀的球员。The whole of the rowing club are invited to their wedding.划船俱乐部全体成员都被邀请去参加他们的婚礼。Let me introduce Bob, one of the club's stalwarts.我来介绍一下鲍勃,俱乐部的中坚分子之一。The film is set in a night club and intercut with images of gangland London.电影的故事发生在一家夜总会内,其中不断穿插伦敦黑社会的镜头。The Orioles are an exciting club this year.黄鹂队今年的表现令人振奋。She belongs to a book club.她是读书会的成员。The club has been accused of crowding too many people into too small a space.俱乐部因让太多人挤进狭小的空间而遭到指控。You invariably leave your health club a darned sight less healthy than when you went in.人们离开健身俱乐部的时候,气色看上去总是比刚进去时要糟糕。Non-whites were not welcome in the club.这个俱乐部以往不欢迎非白种人。The club offers live music and cabaret acts.该俱乐部有音乐与卡巴莱歌舞的现场表演。Nobody at this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.这个俱乐部不允许有人任性妄为。I know that you have decided to leave the club, but please reconsider.我知道你已决定退出俱乐部了,不过请你三思而行。Someone tried to hammer him over the head with a club.有人企图用棍棒击打他的头部。David had been on a pub crawl with pals from his rugby club.大卫曾和他橄榄球俱乐部的朋友们一起串酒吧喝酒。He was a member of an exclusive New York club.他是入会限制严格的纽约俱乐部的会员。He's sailing against the wind in his attempt to stop women joining the club.他不顾众人反对,试图阻止女性享受这个俱乐部的服务。Most of the people in the club are snobs who look down on people who attended public schools.俱乐部里的大部分人都是势利眼,他们看不起上公立学校的人。Who runs the tennis club?谁经营这个网球俱乐部?A generous discount is the chief selling point of the book club.那家购书会主要的卖点是书价折扣大。I decided not to join the tennis club because I found it very cliquey.我决定不加入那家网球俱乐部,因为我发现那里非常排外。He took up his predisposed place in the club.他接受了别人替他在俱乐部中预先安排好的位置。Most of the members of the club are wealthy WASPs.俱乐部的大多数成员都是富有的白人。They opposed the admission of women into/to the club.他们反对女性加入该俱乐部。She belongs to the school computer club.她是学校计算机俱乐部的成员。The club were found guilty of financial irregularities.该俱乐部被判犯有财政违规行为。




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