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词汇 clown
例句 The fool, jester or clown occupies the humblest place in the court.弄臣或小丑在宫廷中地位最低下。As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children.身为小丑的他走访当地各家医院,为患病的儿童打气。That clown just slays me.那小丑真叫我笑死了。The clown amused the children with funny facial contortions.小丑扮出滑稽的鬼脸逗孩子们开心。The clown grimaced at the children.小丑向孩子们做鬼脸。She painted little black dots for the clown's eyes.她画了两个小黑点,当作小丑的眼睛。The clown delighted the audience.小丑逗乐了观众。He was the class clown: he was always playing practical jokes on teachers.他是班上的活宝,一天到晚对老师搞恶作剧。The clown had the children in hysterics.那小丑逗得孩子们笑作一团。The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night.每天晚上,这个小丑都和一匹会说话的马一起表演二重奏,这真让观众笑破了肚皮。The clown's performance gave occasion to a burst of laughter.小丑的表演引起哄堂大笑。The clown amused the audience by his childish antics.小丑用幼稚的滑稽动作逗观众们发笑。I can't understand what she sees in that clown.我不明白她看中了那个蠢货什么。A clown's job is to amuse the spectators.小丑的工作就是娱乐观众。The children squealed with/in delight when they saw the clown.孩子们看见小丑,高兴地大声尖叫起来。The clown's big shoes flapped along the ground.小丑的大鞋子啪嗒啪嗒地拍打着地面。The child was diverted by the antics of the clown.孩子被小丑的滑稽动作逗乐了。A man in a clown's hat came and sat beside her.一个戴着小丑帽子的男人过来坐在她身旁。She resented having to clown for white patrons.她憎恨为白人顾客扮演小丑。The clown's gags made the audience laugh.丑角的插科打诨使观众大笑。The droll performance of that clown induced us to hearty laughter.那个小丑的滑稽表演逗得我们哈哈大笑。Who's the clown standing in the middle of the road?站在马路中间的那个傻瓜是谁?The clown was blowing bubbles for the children.小丑在给孩子们吹泡泡。Tony is the company's resident clown.托尼是公司里的专职小丑。The clown at the circus amused the children.马戏团的小丑把孩子们逗乐了。The clown tickled the audience with his funny actions.小丑用滑稽动作逗观众发笑。I'll deal with this clown some other time.我改天再好好修理这个笨蛋。He was laughing, the clown of the twosome.他在笑,二人搭档中逗人乐的那个。He's the class clown.他是班上的活宝。Our host was wearing a clown costume.我们的主人穿着小丑服。He was always playing the clown. 他总是很搞笑。Some crackpot in a clown suit is out there directing traffic.有个穿着小丑衣服的古怪家伙正在那边指挥交通。She came dressed in a clown suit/costume.她是穿着一身小丑服来的。His classmates remember him as the class clown. 他的同学都记得他是班上的活宝。Those big shoes make you look like a clown!你穿那么大的一双鞋看起来像个小丑!They made my face up to look like a clown.他们把我的脸化妆成一个小丑的样子。He is always the class clown and his teachers say he is incorrigible.他总是班里的活宝,老师们说他积习难改。The clown was too funny for words.这丑角滑稽得非言语所能形容。




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