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They shouted obscenities at us and smashed bottles on the floor.他们冲着我们大骂下流话,还把瓶子摔到地上。The horse reared and pitched its rider to the ground.那匹马用后腿直立起来,把骑马者摔到了地上。Two aircraft on a training flight collided and plummeted to the ground.两架飞机在飞行训练时相撞后径直摔到地上。I fell heavily against the bookshelves.我重重地摔到了书架上。He smashed his racket into the clay.他把球拍摔到红土场地上。He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground.他没有抓住绳子,摔到地上。There was a sickening thud when the child fell from the tree and hit the ground.那个孩子从树上摔到地面时,很令人心悸。He stumbled forward and the case fell to the ground.他向前趔趄几步,箱子摔到了地上。As Jamie spoke, the train came to an abrupt halt, nearly throwing us all on the floor.杰米正说着,火车突然停车,差一点把我们都摔到地板上去。I felt a sudden urge to smash the teapot against the wall.我突然有种很想把茶壶摔到墙上的冲动。I was hurled bodily to the deck.我整个人都被摔到了甲板上。The plate shattered when it hit the floor.盘子摔到地上碎了。Alice landed badly, jarring her ankle.艾丽斯重重地摔到地上,伤了脚踝。The branch suddenly gave under his weight, and he fell to the ground.树枝在他的重压下突然折断了,他摔到了地上。After he scored a touchdown he spiked the ball in the end zone.达阵后他在端区内把球摔到地上。A small plane was lifted up and thrown across the tarmac by a freak gust of wind.一架小型飞机被一阵怪风吹起摔到柏油碎石跑道的另一边。The tray fell to the floor with a terrific crash.盘子摔到了地上,发出哗啦一声巨响。The bottle smashed against a wall.瓶子摔到墙上碎了。As soon as the rider mounted the camel he was tossed to the ground.骑手刚刚骑上骆驼就被摔到了地上。She tripped and went sprawling into the table.她绊了一下,就四仰八叉地摔到桌子下面去了。The noise startled him, and he dropped his glass on the floor.那声音吓得他手一松,把杯子摔到了地上。 |