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His thoughts wobbled like a drunken man's.他的思想像醉汉的一样摇摆不定。He has wavered irresolutely from one opinion to another.他在几个意见中摇摆不定。The Government had been decidedly ambivalent about developing European social policy.政府在制定欧洲的社会政策方面显然一直摇摆不定。Your shifting attitude was quite baffling to me.你摇摆不定的态度令我颇困惑。The court has yo-yoed on this issue.法院对这问题的态度摇摆不定。The move reflects changing attitudes among management.这一举措反映了管理层的态度摇摆不定。The pendulum has swung back in favour of stricter penalties.在摇摆不定间人们又转向支持更严厉的惩处。They've flipped back and forth between supporting and opposing these proposals.他们在支持和反对这些建议之间摇摆不定。Opinion still seems to be wavering on the subject.人们对这个问题的看法似乎仍是摇摆不定。He maintained an ambivalent attitude to the Church throughout his long life.在他漫长的一生中,他对基督教信仰始终是一种摇摆不定的态度。Ohio is a swing state in the presidential election.俄亥俄州在总统大选中意见摇摆不定。The party wavered between free trade and protectionism.该党在自由贸易和保护主义之间摇摆不定。He is swaying between two opinions.他在两种意见之间摇摆不定。College students seem to teeter between childhood and adulthood.大学生好像在少年和成年之间摇摆不定。The country swayed precariously between Christianity and paganism.这个国家在基督教和异教间摇摆不定。Don't talk to him, he is a real yo-yo.不要跟他说话,他真是个摇摆不定的呆瓜。Her parents vacillated between different approaches to discipline.她的父母在不同的管教方式之间摇摆不定。The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.与此同时,媒体对于这件事也摇摆不定。The government has blown hot and cold on this bill, and we just don't know where they stand now.政府对于这个议案摇摆不定,我们根本不知道他们现在的立场是什么。 |