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词汇 close with
例句 They closed with their enemy and started a fierce struggle.他们与敌人短兵相接,一场激战开始了。Despite the heat its windows remained tightly closed with wooden shutters.尽管很热,窗户上的木质百叶窗依然紧紧地关着。It was such a good offer that I closed with him on the spot.报价非常合算,我当场就跟他拍板了。The coffin closed with a dull thud.棺材合上时发出一声闷响。They were never able to close with the enemy, always arriving to find camps that had been abandoned.他们从未同敌人交上手,每次到达时总是发现营地已经被遗弃。Do you really intend to close with his offer?你真的打算接受他的开价? Everybody knows she is close with money.大家都知道她花钱很小气。The box's lid closed with a bang.盒盖砰的一声扣上了。Tom had closed with the offer at once.汤姆立刻同意了那个报价。The lid closed with a snap.盖子啪嗒一声盖上了。The two ministers didn't close with each other until near the end of the meeting.这两位外交使节直到会议将近结束时才达成协议。The services closed with a short prayer.礼拜仪式以简短的祷告结束。The front door closed with a crash behind him.前门在他身后砰的一声关上了。The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister.党代表大会以副总理对政府经济计划热烈的辩护拉上了帷幕。The movie closes with an emotional reunion in Prague.影片以在布拉格重逢的激动场面结束。She brought the show to a close with a performance of her most famous song.她以自己最著名的歌曲结束了演出。Most of the passes have been closed with the onset of winter.冬天来临,大部分关口均已关闭。Smith closed with his opponent, trying to put a lock on his arm.史密斯逼近对手,想把对手的臂膀夹住。The two men closed with each other in a wrestling encounter.这两个汉子在摔跤比赛中互相扭打起来。You won't get a penny out of Jack – he's very close with his money.你别想从杰克那里得到一分钱,他这人对钱吝啬得很。Patrick nudged the door closed with his foot.帕特里克用脚轻轻地把门推上。His daughter's casket was closed with a smiling photo atop.他女儿的骨灰盒上面放着一张面露微笑的照片。The film closes with a scene of sickening violence.这部电影以令人作呕的暴力镜头结尾。They didn't close with each other until the end of the meeting.他们直到会议结束时才达成协议。She closed with a gracious speech of thanks.她以礼貌得体的答谢结束讲话。The stock market reversed course and closed with a modest gain.股市一改常规,以小幅上涨收盘。




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