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词汇 提前
例句 The subject of the talk is announced a week in advance.会谈的主题已提前一周宣布。He anticipated the fall in value by selling early.提前抛售,避免了贬值的损失。They closed the factory, giving the workers only a week's notice.他们只提前一周通知工人,就关闭了工厂。Julius stressed the advisability of reserving seats in advance.朱利叶斯强调最好提前订座。The early flowers are a welcome sight.提前绽放的花使人赏心悦目。It might cost a bundle to get out of a lease early.提前解除租约要付很大一笔钱。The prime minister decided to fight an early general election.首相决定提前大选,准备披挂上阵。She was half an hour early for her next appointment.提前了半个小时赶到了下一场约会的地点。She went into labour two weeks early.提前两周分娩。The King was forewarned about the plot and escaped in secret.国王被提前告知了这个阴谋,于是秘密逃走了。The steward will be able to tell you whether the event is running to time or is ahead of schedule.组织者会告诉你活动是如期举行还是会提前The date of the meeting was advanced by four days.会议提前四天召开。The meeting's been brought forward to Thursday.会议已经提前到星期四举行。Frances left work early to meet her mother.弗朗西丝提前下班去接她母亲。She arrived a smidgen ahead of time.提前到了一会儿。We were thrown off guard by their early arrival.他们提前抵达,令我们措手不及。Germany was challenging for the lead early, but the Austrian pair held on.德国队提前向领先位置发起了冲击,但是奥地利组合挺住了。There are redemption penalties if you pay off the mortgage early.如果提前还清按揭,要付解约费。We aren't attempting to plan ahead beyond the next two years.我们没有打算提前制定两年以后的计划。Far sooner than anyone thought possible, the Russians exploded an atomic bomb.俄罗斯人爆炸了一颗原子弹,时间上比任何人预料的都大大提前了。Accommodation is never fixed up in advance.住宿从未提前安排好。The meeting had been put forward an hour.会议提前一小时举行。The bank has preapproved our loan. = The bank has preapproved us for a loan. = We've been/gotten preapproved for a loan.银行已经提前审批了我们的贷款。The meeting was brought forward.会议提前了。The lazy boy anticipated his dismissal by stealing stamps.那个懒孩因偷窃邮票而遭提前开除。Planning your work ahead can help avoid stressful pitfalls.提前规划工作有助于避免令人有压力的潜在问题。He'd also like to know which issues his guests might be interested in discussing so he can bone up beforehand.他还想知道客人们可能喜欢谈论哪些话题,以便提前钻研一下。Being too early for appointments saved you from the sin of being late.提前赴约使你不会犯下迟到的过错。Interest will be refunded in the event of early repayment of the loan.提前还贷的话利息可以退还。I'm applying in advance for the authority to override him.提前申请当局对他进行否决。Summer weddings need to be arranged months ahead.在夏季举行婚礼需要提前几个月作安排。Some states require a person to antedate legal papers to Saturday if they are signed on Sunday.有些州要求在星期日签署的法律文书把日期一律提前至星期六。Make sure you light the barbecue in plenty of time.一定要提前足够时间点火,准备好烤肉架。I went home early because I wasn't feeling too/very good. 提前回家了,因为我感觉不太舒服。The plane touched down about half an hour ahead of time.飞机提前半小时着陆了。The election has been moved forward nearly two months.选举的时间提前了近两个月。The teacher really has to work to keep one step ahead of the class.老师在讲课前确实得提前备好课。Our flight arrived in Osaka two hours ahead of schedule.我们的班机提前两小时到了大阪。The prime minister may decide to call an early election.首相可能决定提前举行大选。The data indicates a trend towards / toward earlier retirement.数据表明退休年龄有提前的趋向。




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