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例句 The spa offers massages and beauty treatments as well as exercise classes.那家休闲健身中心提供按摩、美容和健身服务。Yet again the management has failed to deliver on its promise to provide extra staff training.管理层再一次没有兑现它向员工提供额外培训的诺言。The police provided a safe house for the informer.警方给线人提供了一个安全屋。Many banks are offering financial packages for students.许多银行向学生提供全套的金融服务。The organization provides emergency help for refugees.这个组织为难民提供紧急援助。The clinic provides free care for indigent patients.这家诊所为贫困病人提供免费医疗。She could hardly expect her employer to provide her with testimonials to her character and ability.她可不敢指望雇主提供关于她品格和能力的推荐信。The police struck pay dirt when a witness came forward with new information.目击证人提供了新的信息后,警方一举破获了案件。The sermon was spiritually nourishing. 布道提供精神食粮。We made a bargain on the spot that I would do the work and he would supply the money.我们当场讲定,工作我来做而资金由他提供This Dubai hotel can call on a bevy of highly trained butlers to provide an around-the-clock service.迪拜的这家宾馆可以请来一大批训练有素的管家提供全天候服务。We serve healthy and delicious food.我们提供有益健康的美味佳肴。The government is offering scrappage grants to reduce the number of old vehicles on the road.政府为减少上路的旧车而提供报废补偿。The company that supplied the missing cargo seems to have vanished into thin air.那家提供那些下落不明的货物的公司似乎人间蒸发了。The state will provide child care when both parents participate in the training program.该州在父母俩同时参加培训计划时提供托儿服务。Satellite technology offers the opportunity, as never before, for continuous television coverage of major international events.卫星技术为实现重大国际事件的不间断电视报道提供了前所未有的机会。Howard's book is an entertaining book filled with tips on money management for twenty- and 30-somethings.霍华德的这本书非常有趣,里面全是给二三十岁的人提供的理财建议。We offer a comprehensive service to home buyers.我们为购房者提供全面的服务。The office provides administrative support to the Vice Chancellor.办公室为常务校长提供行政支持。There are plenty of bars, many of them serving excellent food.有很多酒吧,其中有许多都提供精美的食物。The municipality provides services such as water and rubbish collection.市政当局提供供电、供水及垃圾清理等服务。Good customer relations require courtesy, professionalism and effective response.良好的客户关系需要做到礼貌、专业,并提供有效的回复。The bus company is operating a skeleton service on Christmas Day.巴士公司在圣诞节这天只提供最基本的营运服务。The legends they weave offer valuable clues.他们编造的那些传说提供了有价值的线索。We provide fertility treatment and genetic counselling for couples trying to conceive.我们为想要生育的夫妇提供不育治疗和遗传咨询服务。The airlines are trying to win back passengers by offering special low fares at certain times.该航空公司正试图通过提供时段性特惠票价把乘客争取回来。Foundations set up by magnates such as Carnegie and Rockefeller provided most of the funding for the arts in the US.由卡内基和洛克菲勒这类大亨创立的基金会为美国的艺术活动提供了大部分资金。Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。He supplied housebuilders with modern timber frames.他给房屋建筑商提供了现代的木构架。On New Year's Eve, he offered a glass of champagne to everyone, on the house.除夕那天他免费为所有顾客提供一杯香槟酒。Japan depends on the outside world for virtually all of its raw materials, including oil.日本几乎所有的原材料,包括石油,都依赖外国提供There were plans to gussy up the venues and to offer better food and games arcades.主办方曾计划将会场装饰得有趣些,并提供更好的食物和比赛设施。The goal is to provide health care to/for as many people as possible.目标是为尽可能多的人提供医疗保健服务。The bar has an all-you-can-eat buffet lunch for $10.这个酒吧提供十美元的随意吃自助午餐。This turret provides highly accurate positioning of cameras.这台镜头转台提供照相机的高精确度定位。Opportunities exist in our company for experienced engineers.我们公司为有经验的工程师提供很多机会。Today they'll consider tax breaks for businesses that create jobs in inner cities.现在,他们会考虑给那些在市中心创造了就业机会的企业提供减税优惠。Manufacturers need large sales to justify offering a big variety in export markets.生产厂家需要极高的销量来证明向出口市场提供种类繁多的产品是值得的。The company offers flights to Amsterdam with onward travel to The Hague.这家公司提供飞往阿姆斯特丹并接续飞往海牙的航班。The library provides films with subtitles for the hard of hearing.图书馆为有听力障碍的人提供有字幕的电影。




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