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词汇 推断出
例句 Alison had deduced that I wrote the letter.艾莉森已经推断出这封信是我写的。They deduced that he was present at the scene of the crime.他们推断出他当时在犯罪现场She hoped he hadn't deduced the reason for her visit.她希望他没有推断出她这次造访的原因。It is easy to infer that the marriage was not a very happy one.很容易推断出这场婚姻并不幸福。We deduced from his absences that he was not happy at college.从他多次缺课可以推断出他在大学并不开心。By measuring the motion of the galaxies in a cluster, astronomers can infer the cluster's mass.通过测量星团中星系的运动,天文学家可以推断出该星团的质量。The program uses records of past purchases to make/draw inferences about what customers will buy in the future.这一程序根据顾客以往的购物记录推断出他们将来会买些什么。To find the meaning of an unknown word you should look at the contextual clues provided by the words that are around it.推断出一个生词的意思,应该查看它周围的词语所提供的语境线索。From the evidence we can infer that the victim knew her killer.根据证据我们可以推断出受害者认识杀害她的凶手。They extrapolated these results from their research.他们从研究中推断出这些结果。From this study we can reasonably infer that this characteristic is inherited.根据这项研究,我们可以合理地推断出这一特性是遗传的。After/On mature reflection, he concluded that he had been mistaken.深刻思考后,他推断出自己被人误解了。The inferences drawn from the data have led to major changes.根据这些资料推断出的结果引发了重大变革。From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.我从她谈话中推断出她孩子很多。We can infer from the archaeological evidence that there was slavery in Carthage.我们可以从考古学的证据推断出迦太基有蓄奴现象。She reasoned that something must be wrong.推断出肯定哪里出了问题。If the explanation is right, two things follow.如果解释是正确的,那么可以推断出两点。Darwin's observations led him to deduce that plants and animals could adapt to their surroundings.达尔文从他的观察中推断出植物和动物能适应周围的环境。He deduced this from his observations.他从观察中推断出了这一点。It seems reasonable to infer that the cause was not sabotage but a simple accident.似乎有理由推断出起因不是颠覆活动,而只是一宗事故。She could make an educated guess as to what was wrong with him.她能够凭知识推断出他哪里有问题。Using the evidence available, it is possible to deduce a lot about how these people lived.用现有的证据可能推断出不少这些人以前的生活方式。What do you deduce from these facts?从这些事实你能推断出什么? A lot can be inferred from these statistics.根据这些统计资料可以推断出很多事情。Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.艾莉森已经聪明地推断出那封信就是我写的。We had to evolve the truth from a mass of confused evidence.我们不得不从大量庞杂的证据中推断出事情的真相。He had already guessed the answer.他已推断出答案了。




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