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词汇 掐灭
例句 She snuffed out her cigarette.掐灭了香烟。Jane stubbed the cigarette she had been smoking.简把她刚刚一直在抽的烟掐灭She stubbed out her cigarette and blew out the last lungful of smoke.掐灭纸烟,吐出最后一口烟。He stubbed his cigarette out in an ash tray.他把烟头掐灭在烟灰缸里。The end flared, but he got two puffs from it before he nipped it out for later.烟头烧旺了,他又抽了两口,才把它掐灭留着以后抽。She killed her cigarette in the ashtray.她在烟缸里把香烟掐灭She took a last pull on her cigarette, then stubbed it out.她最后吸了一口香烟,然后把它掐灭了。Tenzin snuffed out the candle.丹增掐灭了蜡烛。Seeing the look of disapproval on the doctor's face, I put out my cigarette.看到医生脸上不满的神情,我掐灭了香烟。He snuffed out the match with his fingertips.他用指尖掐灭了火柴。The ashtray was full of the stubbed-out butts of cigarettes.烟灰缸里满是掐灭了的烟蒂。He squashed out the cigarette he was smoking.他把吸着的烟掐灭了。He extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray.他在烟灰缸里把香烟掐灭He leant forward and snuffed the candle.他俯下身掐灭了蜡烛。He crushed out his cigarette.掐灭了香烟。Tenzin snuffed out the candle.丹津掐灭了蜡烛。She ground a half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray.她把吸剩下的半支雪茄按在烟灰缸里掐灭了。She leaned and jabbed her cigarette out in an ashtray.她屈身把香烟在烟灰缸里掐灭




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