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词汇 掌管
例句 Managing a professional baseball team is his dream job.掌管一个职业棒球队是他梦寐以求的职业。While she's away, I've got the run of her house.她外出不在的时候她的家就由我掌管He took command of the government and proclaimed himself emperor.掌管了政府并自封为皇帝。In many Japanese homes, the funds are administered by the wife.在许多日本家庭,钱是妻子掌管的。Within a few months I was appointed financial controller, but I still wasn't at the sharp end.几个月里我被任命掌管财政,但仍不处于决策地位。They decided to set a trap for him by leaving him in charge.他们决定设个圈套,让他来掌管She relinquished all control over the family business to her daughter.她将掌管家族企业的全部权力让予女儿。It was a bad day for press freedom when she took charge of the paper.掌管报社的那一天对于新闻自由而言是灰暗的一天。He is ready to assume control of the organization.他已做好掌管这个组织的准备。The area which a bishop administers has one cathedral and many smaller churches.一个主教所掌管的地区包括一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。She hired an accountant to take control of her money.她雇了一名会计掌管她的钱财。The army is run by a few hardline generals.军队由一些走强硬路线的将领所掌管He operated a small fishing fleet.掌管一个小型渔船队。She has presided over the district during a period of unprecedented growth.这一地区在她掌管期间经历了前所未有的增长。Reihill's departure from the company is thought to follow disagreements with John Reihill Sr, who now controls the company.赖希尔从公司的离职被认为是因为与现在掌管公司的老约翰·赖希尔意见不合。It all comes down to who holds the purse strings.都得由掌管钱财的人说了算。She was chosen to take charge/control of the organization.她被选出来掌管这个组织。He took control of the family farm.掌管了家族农场。If he took control, they would be rendered virtually powerless.如果由他来掌管,他们实际上就会丧失权力。He is absolutely scrupulous in his handling of the association's accounts.他在掌管协会的账目时绝对廉正。Peter will take up the management of the finance department.彼得将掌管财务部。He was put in command of the navy.他受命掌管海军。It's important to have a person with some oomph in charge of the department.重要的是让一个精力充沛的人掌管这个部门。Women control the purse strings of most families.大多数家庭都是妇女掌管开支。He left after only a year at the helm of the corporation.掌管公司仅一年就离开了。I am not sure who is in charge at the restaurant.我不确定谁在掌管那家餐馆。He relinquished all control over the company to his daughter.他将掌管公司的全权让给了女儿。




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