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词汇 掉色
例句 Even though the dye is quite strong, a regular shampoo will remove it.虽然这种染发剂色牢度强,但是普通的洗发水也会使它掉色The shirt's colors might bleed if you wash it in hot water.这件衬衫如果用热水洗可能会掉色The blue dye is not as fast as it might be.这种蓝色染料实际上容易掉色The color bled when I washed the shirt.我洗的衬衫掉色了。The fabric was ironed to make the colours fast.为防止掉色,织物已经过熨烫。Be careful when you wash these clothes because the colours may bleed.洗这些衣服时小心点,因为可能会掉色I'm afraid the colors ran when I washed your shirt.恐怕你的衬衫在洗的时候掉色了。




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