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词汇 掉下来
例句 A skydiver plunged to his death yesterday when his parachute failed to open.昨天一名跳伞运动员降落伞没打开,掉下来摔死了。Louis fell out of the tree and landed in a holly bush.路易斯从树上掉下来落到冬青树丛中。She had fallen out of bed.她从床上掉下来了。The glass fell and a dark stain spread over the carpet.杯子掉下来,深色的污渍在地毯上浸开了。The tree limb fell and nearly brained me.一根大树枝掉下来,差点砸到我的头。The picture fell while I was trying to straighten it.我想把画的位置调正,结果它掉下来了。He balanced on the edge of the chair.他用椅子的边沿支撑整个身体的重量,使自己保持平衡不掉下来I pulled at the drawer, and the handle came off.我拉了一下抽屉,把手就掉下来了。We tried to balance the aerial on top of the TV set, but it kept falling over.我们试图把天线支在电视机上,但它总要掉下来I dropped the glass and it broke.我不小心把玻璃杯掉下来摔碎了。The rock fell and hit him on the head.石头掉下来砸着他的头。Although many of the stones have fallen out, the monument remains very well preserved.尽管许多石头都已经掉下来了,那个纪念碑仍保存得很好。It's a miracle she didn't break her neck falling from that height.她从那么高的地方掉下来居然没有摔断脖子,真是个奇迹。I just gave the dial a twiddle and it fell off!我刚转了一下电话拨号盘,那拨号盘就掉下来啦!He fell off the swing and grazed his knee.他从秋千上掉下来,擦破了膝盖。The man was aloft in the rigging of the Dutch vessel when he fell and hit the side of the boat.那个男人从一艘荷兰船只的帆索高处掉下来,撞到了舷侧。Amazingly, the cat survived its plunge from the building's roof.令人惊叹的是,小猫从屋顶掉下来后竟活下来了。A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down.一个男孩爬上苹果树,用力摇着枝条好让苹果掉下来A large chunk of plaster had fallen from the ceiling.一大块灰泥从天花板上掉下来The teapot fell with an awful smash.茶壶掉下来摔得粉碎。The nail fell out of position before I could hammer it.没等我动手钉,钉子就掉下来了。I felt sick and disorientated after the fall.掉下来后觉得恶心,不知置身何处。Her injuries are consistent with having fallen from the building.她的伤与从大楼上掉下来的情况相吻合。One leg of my chair has parted company with the rest of it.我椅子有一只脚掉下来了。I was almost hit by a lump of rock that fell from the cliff.我差点被一块从悬崖上掉下来的小石块砸到。Don't drop it!/Don't let it drop!别让那东西掉下来The fuel tank cap hadn't been screwed back on properly, and it came off when I drove away.油箱盖子没有拧好,我一开车离开它就掉下来了。The sail fell off the boom.帆从帆杠上掉下来了。I turned some of the pages and they came away in my hand.我翻了几页,它们就掉下来了。Many of the small hot coals fell through the grate.许多灼热的小煤块从炉栅上掉下来Fasten the chin strap or the helmet will fall off.把颏带系牢,不然头盔会掉下来She'd come off her new bike and hurt her knee.她从新买的自行车上掉下来,把膝盖弄伤了。One more hack and the branch was off.又砍了一下,树枝就掉下来了。I got some stick-on soles for my shoes, but they keep coming off.我有一些可粘贴鞋底,但它们老是掉下来I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear.我觉得自己的脸红了,接着我吸吸鼻子,不让眼泪掉下来A button sprang off his shirt and skittered across the floor.一粒纽扣从他的衬衫上掉下来,弹到地板的另一边。The fallen tree limb left a big indent on his car.掉下来的树枝在他的车上留下了一个大凹口。I dropped my glasses and broke them.我不小心把眼镜掉下来摔碎了。A book fell off the shelf and thwacked me on the head.一本书从架子上掉下来,啪的一声打中了我的头。Every time I went over a bump in the road, my bicycle chain came off.每次我经过路上隆起的地方时我的自行车链条就会掉下来




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