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词汇 掉下
例句 I dropped the book but managed to catch it before it hit the ground.书从我手中掉下,但我在它落地之前把它接住了。She lost a point for falling off the balance beam.她因为从平衡木上掉下失去了一分。The box suddenly tumbled off the top of the wardrobe.那只盒子突然从衣橱顶上掉下He dropped his cup and it broke.他一失手,杯子掉下碎了。He snatched up the glass just as it began to topple off the table.杯子快从桌子掉下时他一把将它抓住。As Katie fell asleep her book fell from her hands and slithered off the bed.凯蒂睡着了,书从她手中掉下,从床上滑了下来。The teapot fell and was broken to pieces.茶壶掉下,摔成了碎片。Sometimes fruit trees will shed immature fruit simply because they are so heavily laden they can't carry them all.有时果树会掉下未成熟的果子,这只是因为挂果太多,不堪其负。The vase fell and fragmented into small pieces.花瓶掉下,摔成碎片。A strap buckled his chest as a precaution against pitching off the bed.一条带子用搭扣扣在他的胸部,以防他从床上掉下An apple dropped from the tree.一只苹果从树上掉下She could not hold back her tears.她忍不住掉下眼泪。The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head.那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。A book fell off the shelf and conked me on the head.一本书从书架上掉下,打在我头上。The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.掉下,摔成碎片。The policeman made a dive for the dropped weapon.警察扑向掉下的武器。I heard a loud bang - it sounded like something had fallen down upstairs.我听到砰的一声,好像是有什么东西从楼上掉下的声音。I grabbed at the glass just before it fell.杯子刚要掉下我就伸手抓住了。The girl had fallen from a fourth-floor window, but was not badly hurt.女孩从四楼窗口掉下,但未受重伤。He's none the worse for his fall from the window.他从窗口掉下,结果却没怎么样。A lorry had shed a load of gravel across the road.一辆卡车在路上掉下了一堆碎石。One guy fell down the elevator shaft.有个家伙掉下了电梯升降井。




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