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词汇 损害
例句 The damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply.比起对血液供应造成的损害,对脑细胞的损害不那么严重。The crisis has done irreversible harm to the countries' relations.这场危机给这些国家的关系造成了难以挽回的损害The power plant will cause untold damage to the local environment.电站将会对当地环境造成不可估量的损害These strange diversifications could have damaged or even sunk the entire company.这些陌生的新增业务会损害乃至葬送整个公司。They claim that a commercial port would damage the local tourist industry.他们声称建立商业港口会损害当地的旅游业。The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill.每一位美国人享受良政的权利被国会山的闹剧损害殆尽。Everyone has the right to smoke if they wish, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them.每个人只要自己愿意都有抽烟的权利,但是无权损害周围的人的身体健康。Your behaviour will disparage the whole family.你的行为会损害全家的名声。He accused ministers of conniving with foreign companies to tear up employment rights.他指控部长们与外国公司合谋损害就业权。We offset all our long-haul flights.我们补偿了之前长途运输机的排放所带来的损害His injury was child's play compared with the damage he inflicted.他受的伤与他造成的损害来比是微不足道的。We shouldn't let these problems come between us.我们不应让这些问题损害我们之间的关系。Her study was not in any way intended to prejudice the future development of the college.她的研究绝对无意损害这所大学未来的发展。Constant exposure to intense light affects the eyes adversely.老是暴露在强光之下会给眼睛带来损害He didn't want this to come between them.他不想让这件事损害他们之间的关系。These reports made it possible to document the damage.这些报道使证明损害情况成为可能。He believes that the tax will injure small businesses.他认为这项税收将损害小企业的利益。It's bad policy to smoke too much; it may harm your health.吸烟过多不是好事,会损害你的健康。The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family.这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱。Some yachts suffered repairable damage.一些游艇遭受的损害不重,可以修复。Walking out without giving any notice will only harm your career.事先不作任何通知就擅离职守只会损害自己的前程。Some retailers worry that new regulations will hurt their ability to compete in the marketplace.一些零售商担心新的规定会损害他们的市场竞争力。The earthquake caused great damage.地震造成了极大的损害The new tax and the drop in house values make home owners feel doubly penalized.新的税制及房价的下跌使业主们觉得利益受到了双重损害Rubella is a serious infection, which can cause severe physical damage to the unborn child.风疹是一种严重的感染,可对胎儿在生理上造成重大的损害The scandals still cloud MCI's reputation.这则丑闻仍然损害着微波通信公司的声誉。This soap is kinder to the skin.这种肥皂对皮肤的损害较小。This is likely to damage Scott's reputation even more.这可能会对斯科特的名誉造成更大的损害I am afraid that she is endangering her health extending herself too much.我担心她劳累过度正在损害自己的健康。Extensive mining will cause irreparable damage to the area.大量采矿会对当地造成无法弥补的损害Drinking impairs a person's ability to think clearly.饮酒损害人清晰思考的能力。Drinking so much is bound to have a bad effect on your health.喝这么多酒必定会损害你的健康。The scandal has done irreparable/lasting/great harm to his reputation.丑闻对他的声誉造成了不可挽回的/持久的/巨大的损害You can imagine my disappointment at finding all the plants damaged by caterpillars.你可以想象我发现所有植物被毛毛虫损害时的失望之情。Other economists say any punitive measures against foreign companies would hurt US interests.其他经济学家说任何针对外国公司的惩罚性措施都会损害美国的利益。He accused foreign nations of having a hidden agenda to harm French influence.他指责一些国家有不可告人的目的,意图损害法国的影响力。The outward migration of people from the city has hurt the city's economy greatly.城市人口外流使该市经济受到很大损害It would be a disservice, instead of a service, to those people to reveal the secret now.现在泄露秘密对那些人不但帮不上忙,反会是一种损害Ultimately, Bismarck's revisionism scarcely affected or damaged British interests at all.从根本上说,俾斯麦的修正主义几乎未对英国的利益造成一丝一毫的影响或损害They stared open-mouthed at the extent of the damage.损害这么严重,他们看得瞠目结舌。




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