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词汇 捉摸不定
例句 It looked like our team was winning, but then everything went back in the melting pot. 眼看我们队就要赢了,但一会儿一切又变得捉摸不定起来。They face a financially uncertain future.他们面临着经济状况捉摸不定的未来。The menace was intangible and evasive.这种威胁捉摸不定,时隐时现。But still his grandfather behaved as if he were nothing more substantial than a phantom.但他祖父的行动依旧像影子那样捉摸不定Recession in the country has run its course and left an aftermath of uncertainty.该国的经济衰退已经偃旗息鼓,但是余波未了,未来仍然捉摸不定He is a very elusive person. It is hard to pin him down sometimes.他是个捉摸不定的人,要清楚地知道他是很难的。




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