例句 |
The fish Mike caught was a whopper.迈克捉到的这条鱼大得吓人。If there's a fish down there he'll catch it - he's a old pro.如果下面有鱼他就能捉到—他是个老手。The bird caught a bug on the fly.鸟在飞行中捉到一只虫子。We caught a rabbit and roasted it over an open fire.我们捉到一只兔子,直接放在火上烧烤。I caught seven trout in fifteen minutes.我十五分钟内捉到七条鳟鱼。The police got the criminal a week after the murder.警察在谋杀案发生后一星期捉到了罪犯。They caught the thief and gave him in charge.他们捉到小偷,把他送交警察了。 |