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词汇 挺过
例句 It was a difficult experience, but she came away from it a stronger and more confident person.那是一次艰难的经历,但挺过来之后,她变得更加坚强和自信。Come on, chin up! We've survived a lot worse than this.好了,别气馁!比这更糟糕的时候我们都挺过来了。A lot of smaller firms did not survive the recession.很多较小的企业没从经济衰退中挺过来。The president was fighting to survive.总统在争取挺过难关。The first few days after the accident were awful, and everyone was just praying he'd pull through.事故发生后的头几天情况非常糟糕,大家都在祈祷,希望他能挺过去。It's been a very upsetting time but we've come through it together.那是一段很难熬的日子,但我们一起挺过来了。Prioritizing activities and allocating time to certain tasks is essential to surviving this hectic time.确定活动的优先次序并把时间分配给某些任务是成功挺过这段忙乱时期的关键。We managed to get along well under difficult circumstances.在困难的情况下我们也设法挺过来了。The government survived an opposition vote of no confidence in parliament.政府挺过了反对党在议会发动的不信任投票。The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.当时压力一定很大,但她挺过来了。Come on, be brave. Just grit your teeth and it will all be over in no time.加油,勇敢一些。你只要咬紧牙关,很快就会挺过去的。Her sister helped her through the worst of her illness.她姐姐帮助她挺过了病危期。The doctors weren't sure if he would make it.医生们不确定他是否能挺过去。She's made it through the worst of the illness now.现在她已经从重病中挺过来了。The country has endured civil war and economic collapse.这个国家挺过了内战和经济崩溃。I was surprised she had made it through the night.我很吃惊,她居然挺过了这一晚上。Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.即使她挺过来,也绝不会完全康复。I was profoundly embarrassed but determined to brave it out.我感到极为难堪,但还是决心要挺过去。We've had some hard times, but we've come through.我们经历了一些艰难的岁月,不过我们挺过来了。The company has struggled to survive in a rapidly changing marketplace.这家公司为挺过瞬息万变的市场竞争苦苦挣扎。Whatever the vicissitudes of her past life, Jill now seems to have come through.不管过去经历了什么坎坷,吉尔现在似乎都已经挺过来了。There would be a hurt in her heart for a while, but in the end she would get over it.她内心会难过一阵子,但最终她会挺过来的。The airline was just not able to last out the depths of this recession.这家航空公司无法挺过这场经济衰退最严峻的阶段。Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull through or not.每个人都很关心他是否能够挺过去。It seemed likely that Hoddle would face out the crisis.看来霍德尔能挺过这次危机。Her injuries were horrifying. Only her determination and robust constitution pulled her through.她的伤势很严重,只是凭着坚强的意志和强壮的体格才挺过来的。The population became used to braving out the harsh winter months with inadequate electricity and fuel supplies.民众已经习惯了在电力和燃料供应不足的情况下挺过严酷的冬季。It really is best to manage without any medication if you possibly can.如果你不服用任何药物就能挺过去的话,最好不过了。The company came through the crisis apparently unscathed.公司挺过了危机,看来没受什么损失。Sometimes it was hard to keep going, but we did it for the children's sake.有时候很难坚持下去,但是为了孩子我们挺过来了。As dozens of companies go out of business, others are riding out the recession.在大量公司纷纷倒闭之际,其他一些公司却安全挺过萧条期。I've had a tough few months, but I'll survive.我这几个月十分艰苦,但我会挺过去的。Liz Taylor has survived several broken marriages, as well as periods of drug and alcohol addiction.利兹·泰勒经历了好几次失败的婚姻,又多次吸毒、酗酒,但都挺过来了。Many firms are battening down the hatches and preparing to ride out the storm.很多公司正在加紧准备,希望能挺过这场暴风雨。We got through the ordeal by taking one day at a time. 我们挺过了一天又一天,终于渡过了难关。I don't know how I've stuck it. It's been hell.我不知道是怎么挺过来的。简直像地狱一般。It is doubtful if she will survive the operation.很难说她是否能挺过这次手术。They have enough money to see them through.他们的钱够用,能挺过去。She came out of the divorce quite well.她顺利地挺过了离婚这一关。She survived a life-threatening illness.挺过了一场危及性命的大病。




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