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The goalkeeper parried his first shot but he scored from the rebound.守门员挡开了第一次射门,但是他补射得分。Tabitha threw up an arm to fend her attacker off.塔比莎挥臂挡开行凶者。He parried the sword with his dagger.他用短剑挡开了马刀。His secretary shielded him from importunate visitors.他的秘书为他挡开了纠缠不休的来访者。The goalkeeper punched away another shot.守门员用拳挡开了又一次射门。He flung up an arm to ward off the blow.他迅速抬起手臂挡开这一击。My forearm deflected most of the first punch.我用前臂挡开了第一拳的大部分力道。He snatched up a rifle to ward off his attackers.他一把抓起一支步枪,挡开袭击他的人。I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks.我不想伤害他,只是想自我防卫,挡开他的攻击。The fencer parried his opponent's thrust.击剑手挡开了对手的猛刺。The ball-carrier straight-armed the tackler.持球队员直臂挡开了阻截队员。He put the truck in gear and drove on.他把卡车挂上挡开走了。The ball-carrier stiff-armed the tackler.持球球员直臂挡开阻截球员。As I reached over to embrace her, she straight-armed me.当我伸手过去拥抱她时,她用手臂挡开了我。My forearm deflected the first punch.我用前臂挡开了第一拳的力道。He parried the thrust of his opponent's sword.他挡开了对手刺向他的剑。The goalie deflected the ball with his hands.守门员用手把球挡开了。He raised his arm up to fend branches from his eyes.他举起胳膊挡开树枝,使之不致触到眼睛。The reporters were kept away by the celebrity's minders.记者们被这位名人的保镖挡开了。It is far easier to parry a direct blow than to stop it forcibly.面对直接击打,挡开要比硬碰容易得多。 |