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词汇 clinical
例句 The physician documented visible clinical signs of diseases for teaching purposes.这位内科医生为了教学目的记录了各种疾病的明显临床症状。Many people suffer from clinical depression for years before being diagnosed.许多人在确诊前已患上临床抑郁症多年了。All this questioning is so analytical and clinical — it kills romance.整个询问分析性和逻辑性太强,浪漫的气息荡然无存。He's a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the university.他既是临床心理学家又是大学心理学教授。He told us the story in a cold and clinical manner.他冷静而客观地给我们讲述了这个故事。He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient.他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断。He looked at the body with an almost clinical detachment.他几乎无动于衷地看着尸体。For the first few months after Daniel died, I was in a state of clinical depression.丹尼尔去世后的最初几个月里,我一直处于临床抑郁症的状态。The drug must first be tested in clinical trials to see if it works on other cancers.这种药物必须首先经过临床测试,看它是否适用于其他癌症。Three hundred patients were involved in the clinical study.三百名患者参与了这项临床研究。We were going to paint our kitchen white, but we decided that would look too clinical.我们打算把厨房漆成白色,可是又觉得那样会看起来太冷冰冰了。Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.从那以后,威康公司一直在增加产量,为临床试验作准备。He is now a clinical psychologist with a major hospital.他现在是一家大医院的临床心理学家。The new drug is being evaluated in clinical trials.这种新药正在进行临床试验阶段的评估。The walls were painted a clinical white.墙被漆成朴素的白色。Her voice was calm, almost clinical , as she told us what happened.她给我们讲述事情的经过时,声音平静,几近冷漠。Those are our hopes; we are starting this clinical trial to investigate whether those hopes will be realised.那些就是我们的希望;我们正在开展这些临床试验以调查那些希望是否可以实现。If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了,那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。There was no clinical indication for such a test.没有进行这种检测的临床指征。The drug is now undergoing clinical trials.这种药正在进行临床试验。We use this information to inform clinical practice.我们用这一消息告知临床习惯做法。If clinical trials are successful the drug could be on the market early next year.如果临床试验成功,这种药明年年初就有可能上市。Both experimental and clinical evidence show that the treatment is effective.实验和临床证据都表明这种疗法是有效的。James said he had been reading up some interesting clinical cases.詹姆斯说自己一直在研读几个很有意思的临床病例。How can you be so cold and clinical about your son's accident?你怎么能对你儿子的事故这么冷漠?You should have a clinical breast exam every year.你应该每年接受一次临床乳房检查。No doctor would order surgery on the basis of a single test result, without corroborating clinical evidence.仅凭一次化验结果而没有临床证据,没有一个医生会要求进行手术。They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.他们已在临床试验中接受过这种药物的治疗。She was diagnosed as having clinical depression.她被诊断患有临床抑郁症。They played some excellent football and their passing was clinical.他们踢了一些很漂亮的球,带球过人技术娴熟。She regarded her patients from a purely clinical standpoint.她纯粹从医治的角度来对待病人。She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.她以一种近乎超然的态度盯着那具尸体。Queensland heroin users will be able to detoxify rapidly on Naltrexone after a two-year clinical trial of the controversial drug begins in Brisbane this week.本周开始在布里斯班对纳曲酮这种存有争议的药物进行为期两年的临床试验,之后昆士兰的海洛因吸食者将能够借助这种药物快速戒毒。The program gives the students experience in a clinical setting.这个计划让学生获得医院环境下的体验。Observational research uses data collected during routine clinical care. 观察性研究采用在日常临床护理中收集的数据。A formal marriage agreement sounds clinical, but it can be a good idea.签订一份正式的婚姻协议听起来少了些人情味,却是个不错的主意。Tell me about your clinical trials. How did they go?.跟我说说你的临床试验。进展如何?He did the work with clinical precision.他精确无误地完成了这项工作。Ask your doctor for a referral to a clinical psychologist.让你的医生给你推荐一位临床心理学家。They often disagree on details of clinical practice.他们经常在临床实践细节上意见相左。




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