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词汇 clinic
例句 The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement.然后门诊医生将会写信给你的全科医生以取得他的同意。Our MP holds a clinic every Friday evening.我们的议员每周五晚上为公众提供咨询服务。The clinic deals with a wide cross-section of society.诊所诊治社会上各种各样的人。The club is holding a golf clinic next week, where golfers can get advice from the pros.俱乐部下周开办高尔夫球讲习班,高尔夫球员可向职业球员请教。The quarterback really put on a clinic in the second half, throwing four touchdown passes.四分卫在下半场表现出色,四次传球达阵。The clinic was set afire.诊所被人放火了。For advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.要获取有关节育的建议,可以和医生或本地计划生育所的人谈一谈。The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。The clinic's drug supply is in serious need of replenishment.这个诊疗所的药物供应急需补充。The young man was dried out in the clinic.那青年在诊疗站接受戒毒治疗。A local club is giving a fishing clinic on Saturday.当地一家俱乐部将在周六举办一次垂钓培训。The new health promotion clinic will provide free check-ups.那家进行健康宣传活动的新诊所将提供免费体检。He went to a clinic to cure his drinking and overeating.他去诊所戒酒并控制饮食。Charles was at the clinic recovering from an operation on his arm.查尔斯的胳膊动了手术,正在这家诊所进行康复治疗。The clinic has achieved some outstanding results.那家诊所取得了一些杰出的成果。He's gone to the clinic for a blood test.他去诊所验血了。After years of alcoholism, he went to a clinic to dry out.酗酒多年后,他前往一家诊所戒酒。The doctor explained how the clinic operates.医生介绍了诊所的运作方式。Will you cover the switchboard while I'm at the clinic?我去保健站看病,请你代管一下电话总机行不行?Patients at the clinic pay on a sliding scale based on their income.病人在这家诊所看病是按照浮动费率制根据收入高低缴费。He went to a clinic in Arizona to dry out.他到亚利桑那州的一个诊所接受戒酒治疗。The hospital is holding/having a pain clinic on Tuesday night for anyone interested in learning how to deal with chronic pain.这家医院周二晚上将举办一次健康讲座,凡是想了解如何应对慢性疼痛的人都可以参加。It's a walk-in dental clinic.这是一家无需提前预约的牙科诊所。The clinic specializes in geriatric medicine.这家诊所专门治疗老年病。A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.妇科诊所据其定义负责处理妊娠和分娩事宜。The clinic provides a free supply of contraceptives upon request.该诊所可以免费提供避孕药具。Results of tests carried out at this clinic are always strictly confidential.在这个诊所进行检验所得的结果总被严格保密。He checked into a drug rehab clinic.他住进了一家戒毒所。The clinic is staffed by volunteers.诊所的工作人员都是志愿者。She is being treated at a diabetic clinic.她正在糖尿病门诊接受治疗。We get a lot of walk-ins at the clinic.我们诊所有许多没预约就来看病的人。The clinic offers free advice on contraception.这家诊所免费提供有关避孕的咨询意见。The clinic now maintains an adequate supply of vaccine so that it won't be caught with its pants down if there is a flu outbreak two years in a row.诊所现在保证了充足的疫苗供应,即便连续两年爆发流感也不会措手不及。One of the doctors at the clinic specializes in dermatology.诊所的一名医生专治皮肤病。Anti-abortion zealots are responsible for the bombing of the clinic.反对堕胎的狂热分子对诊所的爆炸事件负有责任。She entered the private clinic under an assumed name, but the press still managed to find out.她用化名进了一家私人诊所,可媒体还是设法知道了。There are four physiotherapists on call at the sports injury clinic.在运动损伤诊所内有四名理疗师在值班。The clinic is offering free screening for diabetes.这家诊所免费提供糖尿病筛查。They go in and out of the famous Priory clinic as if it were a five-star hotel rather than a psychiatric hospital.他们出入于著名的普莱奥瑞医院,就好像这是家五星级宾馆,而不是一家精神病院。The clinic rehabilitates drug addicts.这家诊所帮助戒毒。




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