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例句 Halve the melon, discard the seeds and scoop out as many melon balls as you can into a bowl.把瓜切成两半,丢掉瓜子,挖出尽可能多的瓜球放进碗里。They cut a tunnel through the mountain.他们在山中挖出一条隧道。He threatened to gouge my eyes out.他威胁要挖出我的双眼。He kept digging until he hit water.他不停地挖,直到挖出水为止。Over a million tons of rich ore were excavated from that one pocket.从这一处矿穴中挖出了百万吨以上的富矿石。Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。He unearthed a monocle and screwed it into his eye.挖出了一个单片眼镜,当即固定在眼睛上。Cut a marrow in half and scoop out the seeds.把一个西葫芦切成两半,挖出种子。The pig was nosing under some moss to uncover a lump of truffle.这只猪用鼻子在一些苔藓下面闻了闻,想挖出一个块菌。They unearthed a box buried under a tree.他们挖出了一个埋在树下的盒子。I don't know why archaeologists get such a thrill from digging up broken pots.我不知道考古学家为什么对挖出这些破罐子会如此兴奋。We unearthed thousands of mushrooms and puffballs.我们挖出了上千个蘑菇和马勃菌。Treasure has been unearthed on his property.从他家地里挖出了财宝。Slice the eggs in half, then scoop out the yolks into a bowl.把鸡蛋切成两半,然后挖出蛋黄放入碗内。Rescue teams recovered more bodies from the rubble.救援队从瓦砾中挖出了更多尸体。He could dig up so much dirt on her.他能挖出她的许多丑闻。The ploughman turned up some buried treasure.犁地人挖出一些埋藏在地下的财宝。Cut the melon in half and scoop out the flesh.把瓜切成两半,挖出果肉。Peel the apples, cut them into eighths and cut out the pips.将苹果削皮,切成八份并挖出果核。Building at the site was halted after human remains were unearthed earlier this month.自从本月初在工地挖出人类遗骸之后,施工就停止了。He dislodged a rock from the mountainside.他从山腰上挖出一块岩石。Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the seeds with a teaspoon.把番茄切成两半,用茶匙把籽挖出More human remains have been unearthed in the north of the country.在该国北部挖出了更多的人类遗骨。Halve the melon and scoop out the pulp.把瓜切成两半,挖出瓜瓤。They dug up a body in his garden.他们在他的花园里挖出一具尸体。They grub out the valuable old vines and replant their vineyards to get higher yields from the younger vines.他们挖出珍贵的老葡萄树,重栽了新的,以期提高葡萄园的产量。In the play he tries to gouge out his own eyes.剧中他试图挖出自己的双眼。They tunnelled through the rock.他们穿过岩层挖出一条地道。The media always manage to nose out some interesting facts about a politician's past life.媒体总是想方设法挖出政客以前的一些趣事。Detectives finally ran the terrorists to ground in an apartment building in Chicago.侦探们历尽艰辛终于在芝加哥的一座公寓楼内挖出了恐怖分子。They tried to dig up something from his past to spoil his chances of being elected.他们试图从他的过去挖出些东西来破坏他当选的可能性。It was a terrible winter. At one stage, we had to dig our way out of the house.那年冬天真可怕,我们一度得自己在门前挖出一条道。More bodies have been dug up at the site.在那个地点又挖出了一些尸体。Peel the apples, cut them into fourths and cut out the pips.将苹果削皮,切成四份并挖出果核。He has accused her of threatening to gouge his eyes out.他指控她曾威胁要挖出他的眼睛。The turtles burrow into the sand and excavate a small chamber.海龟们往沙里打洞并挖出了一个小洞穴。He hollowed out a small dip in the ground.他在地上挖出了一个小坑。Politicians try to dig up dirt on their opponents.政客们试图挖出政敌的丑事。




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