例句 |
The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。There were no flowers at the funeral, by request.按照要求,葬礼上没有摆花。I am sending your medical records as requested. 我正按照要求发送您的病历。You need to do exactly as you're told.你要完全按照要求去做。Witnesses are sworn to tell the truth.证人按照要求起誓讲真相。I dare say he did as he was bidden.我敢说他按照要求做了。Unions are required to hold secret strike ballots before taking any industrial action.在采取任何劳工行动之前,工会必须按照要求就罢工举行秘密投票。 |