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词汇 指控
例句 The defence accused police of fabricating evidence.被告方指控警方伪造证据。He will need to counter allegations that he accepted money from criminals.他需要对他曾接受过罪犯贿赂的指控加以反驳。The charges against him were found to be baseless.对他的指控被判定毫无依据。These are terribly serious allegations.这些都是非常严重的指控The investigation/jury considered all the charges against him and concluded that he was in the clear. 查/陪审团认真考查了对他的所有指控,最后认定他无罪。The teacher has been suspended while the accusation is being investigated.在对指控进行调查期间,该教师暂时停职。He has been fighting off accusations that he shirked his wartime duties.他一直在竭力摆脱关于他逃避服战时兵役的指控Such an allegation is utterly without foundation.这样的指控完全没有根据。He faces allegations of professional misconduct.他面临玩忽职守的指控She went on the offensive to fight the charges against her.她采取攻势反击对她的种种指控The charges against him were never proved in court.对他的指控未在法庭上得到证实。Commentators are openly speculating on whether the accusation is false.评论家们公开推测这一指控是不是诬告。The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges.勒令被告为数项指控受审。The committee will conduct a thorough investigation of the bribery charges.委员会将对这起受贿指控进行彻底调查。The accusations are lies, all lies.这些指控是谎言,全是谎言。In his District Court plaint, Mr Hale accused the company of negligence.在递交给地方法院的诉状中,黑尔先生指控公司犯有过失。The jackbooted thugs can arrest you without bothering to accuse you of a crime.那些穿长筒军靴的暴徒不用指控你什么罪名就可以逮捕你。Their actions have opened the government to charges of corruption.他们的行为已经让政府受到腐败的指控Mr Jameson dismissed the allegations as malicious rumours.詹姆森先生把那些指控当作恶意的诽谤,置之不理。The charges of fraud relate to events that took place over ten years ago.这些欺诈指控涉及十多年前发生的事件。The soldiers were accused of bestial acts against unarmed civilians.士兵因对手无寸铁的平民施以暴行而遭指控Barrett was in court, facing a charge of blackmail.巴雷特在法庭上面临勒索的指控The government has instituted a court of inquiry to look into the allegations.政府已成立了调查法庭来调查这些指控The government accused the opposition parties of being controlled by trade union paymasters.政府指控反对党受到了工会的出资赞助人的控制。When confronted with the documents, Hunter admitted the charges against him.面对这些文件,亨特承认了那些对他的指控The minister resigned amid accusations of bribery and corruption.在受贿和贪污的指控声中部长辞职了。I'm sorry but I can neither confirm nor deny the allegation.抱歉,我既无法证实也无法否认这项指控Quite a lot of allegations of misjustice are spurious.有关不公正的指控有不少是毫无根据的。Their allegations were without substance.他们的指控没有根据。When a politician is confronted with false accusations, the best policy is to shrug them off.当一个政客面临不实的指控时,最好的政策就是置之不理。The charges were vague and imprecise.这些指控含糊不清。The police have charged him with murder.警方指控他犯有谋杀罪。Their first step in to serve you with a writ for nonpayment of debt, and then you are forced to go to law.他们第一步是传你到庭,指控你欠债不还,这样你就被迫去打官司了。He finds himself facing criminal charges for his role in the conspiracy.他发现自己因参与密谋而面临犯罪指控The company concerned has strenuously denied the accusations.有关公司极力否认这些指控Your report last week was unfair. It was based upon wholly unfounded and totally unjustified allegations.你上周的报告是不公平的。它是基于毫无根据且完全无端的指控The police are investigating claims of child abuse.警方正在调查儿童被性侵犯的指控The controversy continues to rage, and these latest accusations will only add fuel to the fire.争论愈加激烈,而这些最新指控只会火上浇油。He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.他持致命武器伤人的指控被宣告不成立。The absence of this witness has weakened the case against the accused.这位证人的缺席削弱了对被告的指控力度。




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