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词汇 持枪歹徒
例句 U.S. Marines were engaged in a firefight with local gunmen this morning.美国海军陆战队员与当地持枪歹徒今天上午交了火。Two officers grappled with the gunman.两名警官与一名持枪歹徒扭打在一起。Two gunmen opened fire on a bus taking children to school.两名持枪歹徒朝一辆接孩子上学的公共汽车开了枪。Gunmen shot dead the brother of the minister.持枪歹徒开枪打死了部长的弟弟。Detectives managed to catch the gunman who had taken three hostages in a raid on a jeweller's shop.警探终于抓获了在抢劫一家珠宝店时劫持三名人质的那个持枪歹徒Gunmen shot dead two unarmed police officers.持枪歹徒枪杀了两名未携带武器的警官。Her husband was murdered by gunmen as she watched.她亲眼目睹丈夫被持枪歹徒杀害。Several attempts were made to negotiate with the gunmen.已经几次尝试要和持枪歹徒进行谈判。Several hostages rushed the gunman and knocked him to the ground.几个人质冲向持枪歹徒,把他打倒在地。There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded.在一次交火中,持枪歹徒受了伤。Police surrounded the building, but somehow the gunman managed to escape.警察包围了大楼,但是那名持枪歹徒还是设法逃跑了。Heavily armed and masked gunmen stormed an ammunitions store in Co. Mayo.一群全副武装的蒙面持枪歹徒突然袭击了梅奥郡的一个军火库。Despite pleas from his mother, the gunman refused to give himself up.尽管他母亲再三恳求,这名持枪歹徒还是拒绝投案自首。The gunman had singled Debilly out and waited for him.持枪歹徒瞄准了德比利,然后伺机而动。The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice.持枪歹徒坐上一辆由同伙驾驶的摩托车逃逸。Police believe a lone gunman is responsible for the shooting.警方认为仅有一名持枪歹徒对此枪击事件负有责任。A gunman opened fire in a crowded shopping centre.一名持枪歹徒在一家拥挤的购物中心里开枪射击。The class was held hostage by a hooded gunman.全班同学被一个蒙面持枪歹徒劫为人质。Police say they are confident of catching the gunman.警方声称有信心抓到持枪歹徒Gunmen stood guard at the camp entrance.持枪歹徒把守着营地的入口。The gunman freed two of the hostages.持枪歹徒释放了两名人质。Gunmen started firing at the helicopter as it left the ground.直升机离开地面时,持枪歹徒就开始朝它射击。His car was held up and he was abducted by four gunmen.他的车遭遇拦劫,人被四个持枪歹徒绑架。Police believe the gunmen got away in a white Ford pickup.警方认为这些持枪歹徒是开着一辆白色的福特皮卡逃走的。The gunman's picture was splashed across the front page.持枪歹徒的大幅照片刊登在头版上。They were shot by an unknown gunman.他们被一名来历不明的持枪歹徒打死。Gunmen sprayed the crowd with bullets.持枪歹徒向人群开枪扫射。The gunman held a pistol to Krasniqi's head.持枪歹徒用手枪抵着克拉斯尼奇的头。Fenton stood tall and stared down the gunmen.芬顿勇敢地直视着持枪歹徒,吓回了他们的目光。I grabbed the gunman from behind.我从背后抱住持枪歹徒Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year.阿尔斯特的持枪歹徒制造了新一年的首起流血事件。No one knows why the gunman shot some people and spared others.没人知道为何持枪歹徒射杀一些人而放过了另一些人。The gunman's threats terrified her into handing over the money.持枪歹徒的恫吓把她吓得赶快交出钱来。Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.持枪歹徒朝警察的巡逻车开火,两名警察被打死。The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled.面罩掉落的持枪歹徒逃之夭夭了。Gunmen intercepted him on his way to the airport.持枪歹徒在他去机场的路上截击了他。The gunmen were seized at 1 a.m.这几名持枪歹徒在凌晨一点被抓获。Five men were wounded by an unidentified gunman in Belfast city centre yesterday.昨天在贝尔法斯特市中心,五名男子被一个身份不明的持枪歹徒打伤。The gunmen sprayed the house with bullets. = The gunmen sprayed bullets into the house.持枪歹徒向这所房子扫射。Gunmen were firing machine guns from the upper floor of the hospital.持枪歹徒在医院的最高楼层上用机关枪射过来。




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