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词汇 拿走
例句 She took the money without so much as a thank you.拿走了钱,连声谢谢都没有说。If you really want to teach your son a lesson you should hit him where it hurts and take away his cell phone.你要是真想教训你儿子,就该触到他的痛处,拿走他的手机。People have accused me of being a crook, but I didn't take any money that wasn't mine.大家指责我是骗子,可我没拿走一分不属于我的钱。The robbers spiked his drink before taking his wallet and passport.劫匪在他的饮料里加了烈酒,然后才拿走他的钱包和护照。Some banknotes had been taken but the credit cards were left untouched.一些钞票被拿走了,但是信用卡却原封未动。Someone rifled his wallet and took his money.有人翻过他的钱包,把他的钱拿走了。Who's the comedian who took my drink?是哪个无聊的人把我的饮料拿走了?I can't find my calculator – someone must have taken it.我找不到计算器了,一定是有人拿走了。We're sure Jason took the money, but we can't prove it.我们肯定贾森拿走了钱,但无法证实。The rubdowns usually lead to their precious belongings being removed.搜身的结果往往是他们的贵重物品被拿走Someone has been taking money from the cash box.有人从钱箱里拿走了钱。They took away the one thing I cared about.他们把我心爱的那件东西拿走了。They could only watch in silence as their possessions were taken away.他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己的财物被拿走They opened the safe and took all the money therein.他们打开了保险箱,拿走了里面所有的钱。The old man took the pop away from the lad.老汉拿走了小伙子的手枪。When I went to take the keys I found that someone had beaten me to it.当我去拿钥匙时发现有人抢先拿走了。Get the newspaper away from the little boy before he rips it apart.把报纸从这小男孩手中拿走,免得被他撕破。If this stanchion is removed, the stairs will collapse.如果把这根支撑柱拿走,楼梯会塌下的。Who's taken my pencil?拿走了我的铅笔?That killjoy ruined the fun by taking our beer away.那个扫兴的家伙把啤酒拿走了。I snarfed the book off the table when he wasn't looking.我在他没有看见的时候私自拿走了那本书。She knows she's not going to get a cent out of us unless she plays by the book.她知道如果自己不守规矩就别想从我们手里拿走一分钱。He waited until all the luggage was cleared, but Paula's never appeared.他一直等到所有的行李都拿走了,但始终没看见葆拉的。Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one, sometimes in part exchange.买新电器时,电器经销商往往会拿走旧电器,有时会以旧换新抵些价钱。Had her grandmother knowingly taken the money?她祖母故意拿走了那笔钱吗?Matthews took the keys from me.马修斯从我这里拿走了钥匙。Burton had been involved in a love affair with a woman who ended up taking most of his money.伯顿和一个女人私通,结果那女人把他大部分的钱拿走了。Joe went ape when we tried to take the car keys away from him outside the bar.我们在酒吧外面想拿走乔的汽车钥匙,他气坏了。Put the groceries away where they belong.请把这些食品杂货拿走,放到应放的位置。They took his money but spared his life.他们拿走了他的钱但饶了他一命。Roy can take his stupid ring and shove it!罗伊把他的破戒指拿走好了,什么破玩意儿!He held on tight but she prised it from his fingers.他抓得很紧,但她还是掰开他的手,把它拿走了。Someone has just waltzed off with my drink.刚刚有人拿走了我的饮料。Taking the money would be like taking candy from a baby.拿走这些钱太容易了,如探囊取物。She's gone off with my book.她把我的书擅自拿走了。Whoever left the gloves will probably come back for them tomorrow.忘了拿走手套的人明天可能会回来拿的。Someone had removed some papers from the file.有人从文件夹里拿走了几份文件。The apples were taken away after their seeds were no longer extractable.当再也榨不出子来时,苹果就被拿走了。Documents properly belonging to the family were taken away.其实属于那家人的文件被拿走了。He saw the money lying on the table, and he helped himself. 他见桌上有钱,就拿走了。




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