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They'll talk, they'll implicate me.他们会招供的,他们会把我牵连进去的。Torture was used and Fian confessed.用了酷刑菲安就招供了。Police know how to make him talk.警察知道怎么叫他开口招供。We finally extracted a confession from him.我们终于让他招供了。Police will make him talk.警察会使他招供的。The brutal torture broke the prisoner who eventually confessed.酷刑制服了囚犯,使他终于招供。His confession is recorded on video tape.他的招供被记录在录像带上。Has the thief made a confession yet?窃贼招供了吗? The police trapped him into a confession.警察设圈套使他招供。He confessed to spying for North Korea.他招供了为北韩从事间谍活动。He confessed after being questioned for many hours.被审讯几个小时后,他终于招供了。We've got her confession right here in black and white.我们这里有她的书面招供材料。He made the confession while under detention.他在拘留期间招供了。The police forced him to talk.警方曾逼他招供。He came clean and confessed the whole thing.他招供并承认一切罪行。He was interrogated but he refused to talk.他受到审问,但是拒不招供。They shot him before he confessed.他们在他招供前就枪杀了他。They eventually got a confession out of him.他们最终使他招供了。Connors made a full confession to the police.康纳斯向警方完全招供了。The police tortured him to confess his crime.警察拷打他,逼他招供。The suspects were shamed into confessing.嫌疑人因感到羞愧而招供。By making a full confession, Reeves hoped he would be more kindly treated by the authorities.里夫斯全都招供了,他希望这样能得到当局的宽大处理。Ray changed his mind, claiming that he had been forced into confessing.雷翻了供,声称自己是被逼招供的。Then the prisoner is loosed again and is taken aside and persuaded to confess.然后犯人再次被松开,随后被带到一旁劝说招供。The suspect was questioned for two hours, but refused to talk.嫌疑犯被盘问了两小时,但拒绝招供。The whole thing was a set up to get Burley to confess.整件事情都是为让伯利招供而设下的圈套。 |