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词汇 拔出
例句 He drew the cork out of the bottle.拔出了瓶塞。One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke loose.一名警察拔出了枪,人们顿时乱作一团。They had a fight. One of them pulled a gun on the other.他们打了起来。其中一人拔出枪指着另一个人。The man pulled a gun, and two of the women near me started screaming.那人拔出一把枪,我身边的两个女人就尖叫了起来。He drew his dagger and turned to face his pursuers.拔出匕首转身面向追他的人。He yanked out the sore tooth.他猛地拔出了那颗痛牙。She pulled out a gun.拔出了一把枪。He pulled a gun from his pocket.他从衣袋里拔出枪。Students were chosen/selected on the basis of their grades and test scores.拔出这些学生的依据是他们的成绩和测验分数。A soldier came up to her with a drawn saber.一个士兵拔出马刀向她走来。Miller allegedly drew a gun on the manager.据说米勒拔出了枪对准经理。He pulled out a knife and started waving it around madly. 拔出一把刀,发疯似的向周围挥舞着。The dentist drew out the bad tooth from the patient's mouth.牙医从病人口腔里拔出了那只蛀牙。Your television is a fire risk if left plugged in overnight.你的电视机插头如果夜间不拔出,有引起火灾的危险。The knife had sunk deeply into the wood and couldn't be moved. 刀深深地插到木头中,无法拔出The Highlanders all drew their swords with one consent upon entering the river.刚踏进河中,高地人就整齐划一地拔出了利剑。In the ensuing panic, the terrorist drew a pistol.在随后的慌乱中,那个恐怖分子拔出了一把手枪。They were arguing, and then one of them drew a gun.他们当时正争吵着,后来其中一人拔出枪来。The robber whipped out a knife.强盗猛地拔出一把刀来。She pulled out her service revolver and chambered a round.拔出佩枪,上了发子弹。He withdrew the needle and placed a pad of cotton-wool over the spot.他把针头拔出,在扎针处按了一块药棉。They brought out guns and for a split second nobody moved.他们拔出了枪,一刹那间没有人敢动。He was yanking the cork out of a bottle.他正在使劲拔出瓶塞。He drew his automatic and began running in the direction of the sounds.拔出自动手枪,向声音传来的方向跑去。The bottle cork popped when he pulled it out.他在拔出瓶塞时,瓶塞发出噗的一声。She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole.她把脚从洞中拔出来的时候差点掉了一只鞋。Observers say the woman pulled a knife out of the bunch of flowers and stabbed him in the neck.目击者说那名女子从花束中拔出一把刀来,扎进了他的颈部。He drew his automatic.拔出了自动手枪。Glenn yanked out the sore tooth.格伦猛力将痛牙拔出The waiter popped the corks on the champagne.侍者砰的一声拔出了香槟酒瓶的软木塞。He drew two arrows and placed them in the bow.拔出两支箭,搭到弓上。The guards began to draw their weapons.警卫开始拔出武器。




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