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Photographs are not only permitted, they are encouraged.不仅允许拍照,而且还鼓励拍照。The hotel is regularly the location for glossy magazine shoots.这家酒店经常是时尚杂志拍照的地点。She didn't think much of the photographers snapping away at her.她不太在意摄影师们冲着她啪啪地拍照。This sign indicates that photography is allowed.标牌上说可以拍照。This bloke was standing there, he was like getting his picture taken.这个家伙正站在那里,好像正要让人给他拍照。Cokin has released two accessory lenses that make camera phones even more versatile.高坚公司推出了两款附加镜头,可以使拍照手机的功能更多。He won't stay put long enough for me to take his photo.他不肯站着不动,给我足够的时间拍照。I have obtained the services of a top photographer to take our pictures.我已请到了一位顶级摄影师来给我们拍照。You can't take photographs here without permission.未经许可你们不能在此处拍照。I got into our dinghy while Willis took the helm and positioned the boat for the photograph.我钻进我们的小艇,威利斯掌舵,将船摆好位置准备拍照。The meeting broke up after a row over whether to allow cameras in.由于在是否容许摄影拍照这个问题上发生了一番争吵,会议被迫中止了。Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash.光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。Cameras are prohibited inside the cathedral.该教堂内禁止拍照。She took our picture in front of the waterfall.她为我们在瀑布前拍照。They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other.他们不停地站起来拍照,还互相指点景物给对方看。There were photographers outside the street door so she used a back entrance.临街的门外有人拍照,所以她走了后门。He doesn't like being photographed.他不喜欢被人拍照。She prefers to use natural light when taking photographs.她拍照时喜欢使用自然光。She sat perfectly still while I took her photograph.我给她拍照的时候,她坐着一动也不动。They proudly showed off their new bundle of joy at a photo shoot yesterday.他们在昨天拍照时自豪地炫耀了自己的孩子。I love taking pictures, period.一句话,我就是爱拍照。This is the city's most photogenic park.这是这座城市最适合拍照留影的公园。Few residents were willing to be named, and none would be photographed.没有几个居民愿意自己的名字被提及,也没有一个愿意接受拍照。We take photographs and are photographed.我们拍照片,也成为别人拍照的对象。He goes out on photo shoots with very little equipment.他几乎没带什么设备就外出拍照去了。After the conference, there was the usual photocall for everybody involved.会议结束后,所有与会者照例接受了媒体拍照。The press followed the President around the hospital, waiting for a photo opportunity.记者们跟随着总统在医院到处转,等待拍照机会。I couldn't take a picture because the lighting was bad.由于灯光不够亮,我无法拍照。You have to request permission if you want to take any photographs.拍照必须征得同意。Photography will not be permitted inside the courtroom.法庭内不准拍照。The two leaders emerged for a photo session.两位领导现身接受记者拍照。He stood by the tree to be photographed.他站在树边准备让人拍照。Flash photography is prohibited inside the museum.博物馆里禁止用闪光灯拍照。She is pictured with TV personality Carol Vorderman.她和电视名人卡罗尔·沃德曼一起拍照。The tourists kept their cameras at the ready.游客们准备好相机随时拍照。Fashion models are completely comfortable with the eye of the camera.时装模特儿对拍照完全应付自如。His face will be concealed by the camera angle.从这个角度拍照拍不到他的脸。The light isn't good enough to take a photograph.这光线拍照不够明亮。The officers were caught photographing in a restricted military zone.几名军官在军事管制区拍照被当场抓获。You can take pictures of friends or business contacts.你可以给朋友或生意上的熟人拍照。 |