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词汇 抽出时间
例句 Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV.即使日程安排很满,她也要抽出时间看电视。The committee will get round to your suggestion after they've dealt with urgent business.委员会处理完紧急事务后会抽出时间来研究你的建议的。Employees were allowed to take paid time off for volunteer work.允许员工们抽出时间带薪参加义务工作。The president took time out of his busy schedule to visit our school.总统百忙之中抽出时间参观了我们学校。He's a very busy man, and it's good of him to spare the time to visit.他是个大忙人,能抽出时间到访真是太好了。He's finding it difficult to make time for his children.他觉得很难抽出时间来和他的孩子们呆在一起。She and Frank had never gotten around to opening a joint account.她和弗兰克还没有抽出时间去开联名账户。Hopefully, Max would be able to spend a few days with them, depending on his heavy schedule.希望马克斯能从满档的日程中抽出时间和他们一起呆上几天。She took time out of a busy schedule to talk to us.她从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间和我们谈话。I only got round to doing this a few days ago.几天前我才抽出时间来做这件事。Thank you for your time.谢谢您抽出时间Judy also found time to go bungee jumping.朱迪抽出时间去蹦极了。I can cram you in this afternoon.我今天下午可以抽出时间见你。I should have had the catch mended, but never got round to it.我原本应该修好这个窗钩的,却一直没能抽出时间来。Make time to talk to your children.抽出时间和你的孩子们谈谈。They didn't get around to typing up the letter.他们没能抽出时间把信打印出来。Is there any time in your busy schedule for us to have lunch next week?下周你能不能在百忙之中抽出时间我们一起吃个午饭?I must get round to painting the kitchen some day.我哪天一定要抽出时间把厨房刷一刷。The problem is finding the time to get things done.问题是要抽出时间把事情做好。He still finds the time to race bikes on the European circuit.他仍然抽出时间去参加欧洲自行车巡回赛。Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.谢谢你从繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间来和我们谈话。As a parent trying to balance home and career, it's very difficult to find time for a social life.为人父母,若是想做到家庭事业都能兼顾,那就很难抽出时间参加社交活动。It's good of him to spare the time to visit at all.他能抽出时间过来看看真是不错。I finally got around to writing a will.我终于抽出时间来起草遗嘱了。Retired people are often willing to give of their time to help with community projects.退休老人愿意常抽出时间来帮助社区项目。




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