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词汇 抱着
例句 I sat in the back of the taxi with my son on my knee.我坐在出租车后座上,抱着我的儿子。Shaerl trudged toward them, hugging a large box.谢尔抱着一个大箱子步履艰难地向他们走去。Both sides were in a more conciliatory mood today.今天双方都抱着更加希望和解的心情。Davie was hiding his head in his hands with mortification.戴维羞愧地抱着头。John gently disengaged himself from his sister's tearful embrace.约翰轻轻推开抱着他哭泣的妹妹。He cradled the baby in his arms, his hands cupping her tiny skull.他轻轻地抱着婴儿,双手托着她的小脑袋。The girl is holding the baby in her arms.那姑娘抱着婴儿。Sally ran out of the house, clasping her schoolbooks to her chest.萨莉胸前抱着她的教科书冲出了屋子。He clung to the hope that she would be cured.他一直抱着她会治愈的希望。His mother came in carrying a pile of ironing in her arms.他的母亲手里抱着一叠熨好的衣物进来了。She was gambling that he wouldn't read it too carefully.抱着侥幸的心理,希望他不会看得太仔细。She has a carefree attitude toward life.抱着了无牵挂的生活态度。The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby.那则广告在利用我们的情感,画面上是一位医生抱着一个新生婴儿。Taylor combined great knowledge with an irreverent attitude to history.泰勒既有渊博的知识,又对历史抱着一种不敬的态度。I was bracing her up, rather than holding her.我是在撑着她,而不是抱着她。He has long nursed a hope that ...长期来他一直抱着一个希望,那就是… Jade nestled her first child in her arms.杰德怀里抱着她的第一个孩子。There were six of us in the expedition and we each had different reasons for taking part.探险队共有六人,每个人都抱着不同目的来参加。He curled his lip at most of what went on around him.他对自己周围发生的事情大多抱着轻蔑的态度。We're hoping against hope that they survived the crash.我们抱着一线希望,盼望着他们在坠机事故中生还。She came out with two packages wrapped in holly-sprigged paper.抱着两个用带有冬青枝叶图案的纸包装的盒子走了出来。She struggled up the hill, carrying the baby and her big black bag.她艰难地向山上走,怀中抱着孩子,手里拎着她的黑色大袋子。He was holding a large package in his arms.抱着一个大包裹。She looked pitiful, holding her child to her as she begged for money.她一边抱着孩子,一边乞讨,看起来很可怜。She was holding the baby, and grinning from ear to ear.抱着小宝宝,笑得合不拢嘴。He whirled her round in his arms.抱着她转了起来。It ill becomes us to be self-righteous in our criticism of him.我们抱着自以为是的态度批评他,这有失我们的身份。She had fallen asleep in her chair, cuddling a little teddy bear.她在椅子上睡着了,怀里抱着一只小小的玩具熊。She was holding a tiny little baby in her arms.她怀里抱着一个丁点大的婴儿。Everyone was in a conciliatory mood at the start of the meeting.会议开始时,人人都抱着和解的想法。She was holding a baby in her arms.抱着婴儿。Bates was chancing his arm in trying to hit the wicket from that distance.贝茨抱着侥幸的心理试图从那么远的距离击球。She hugged a basket of provisions tight on her lap.她紧紧抱着一篮子的食物和饮料放在腿上。Fenella leaned forward, clasping her hands around her knees.费内拉身体前倾,双手紧紧抱着膝盖。She carried a baby in her arms.她怀里抱着一个婴儿。Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night.许多小孩子夜里会抱着软软的毛毯或玩具代替他们的母亲。He struggled along the rough road holding his son.抱着儿子在崎岖不平的路上艰难行进。He embraced his old friend like a long-lost brother.他拥抱着老友,就像抱着失散多年的兄弟一样。Shirley sat in the corner, hugging her knees.雪莉抱着双膝坐在角落里。Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.这些问题得不到解决,该地区就会一直抱着一个火药桶。




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