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词汇 抱怨说
例句 Many old people complain of loneliness.许多老人都抱怨说觉得寂寞。The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her weight.其他人抱怨说萨拉工作不尽职。The residents of Hollyhurst Road complained that cars parked there were a hazard to pedestrians.霍利赫斯特路的居民抱怨说停在那里的汽车对行人是个威胁。Editors complain about the lack of creativity in the ideas put to them.编辑们抱怨说交给他们的选题缺乏创意。She complained of a dull ache/pain in her knee.抱怨说膝盖隐隐作痛。Other theatre-goers complained Joan was on stage for just half an hour.其他剧院观众抱怨说,琼在台上只呆了半个小时。He complained that he'd been receiving malicious phone calls.抱怨说他接二连三地接到恶意骚扰电话。The player complained that he was badly hoodooed.这球员抱怨说自己倒了血霉。The investigators complained about the difficulties of squeezing information out of residents.调查人员抱怨说很难从居民身上获取信息。He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.抱怨说我们企图损害他在公司的威信。The prosecution complained that Gutierrez's sentence was far too lenient.控方抱怨说对古提雷兹的量刑太轻。Passengers complain about lack of information when travel delays occur.旅客抱怨说旅途中发生延误时没有人告知相关信息。People have complained that the doctors seem rushed, with too many patients to see in a day.人们抱怨说医生看病似乎很草率,他们一天要看太多的病人了。Everyone complains that the national tests bear no relation to what children have learnt in class.人人都抱怨说全国考试的内容与儿童在课堂上所学的毫不相干。There have been rumblings about the need for better computers.人们一直抱怨说需要更先进的计算机。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁在抱怨说他上午晚些时候还得打理另外一个花园。She complained that some disgusting man was leering at her.抱怨说有个恶心的男人正色迷迷地看着她。He complained that the patrolmen were not papering enough.抱怨说巡警不曾发出足够的交通违章传票。They complained about their exclusion from the rights that others enjoy.他们抱怨说自己无法享受其他人享有的权利。She complained of a queasy stomach.抱怨说有点反胃。Her teacher complains that she is inattentive and easily distracted.她的老师抱怨说,她注意力不集中,很容易分心。She complained of her boss's inappropriate behavior towards her.抱怨说老板对她有不规矩行为。He complained that he had been denied his conjugal rights.抱怨说他被剥夺了过夫妻性生活的权利。She complained that the writing was too small to read.抱怨说字太小,看不清。They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.他们抱怨说被困在了警察局里,但实际上,有人看见他们大多数人通过毗邻的屋顶,安全地逃到了附近的建筑物内。Don't complain that you're bored, or Dad will set you to work.抱怨说你很无聊,不然爸爸会让你为他干活。Harrison complained that his colleagues ganged up on him.哈里森抱怨说他的同事联手对付他。Staff complained that they were being overworked.员工们抱怨说他们劳累过度。She complained of being out of sorts.抱怨说情绪欠佳。Faculty members complain that their students are unprepared to do college-level work.学院的老师们抱怨说他们的学生还很不适应大学的课业。The gardener was moaning that he had another garden to do later that morning.园丁当时抱怨说,上午晚些时候他还要到另一个花园干活。In future I won't bother asking him out anywhere if he's just going to complain that he's bored!从今往后如果他抱怨说无聊,我不会再邀他出去玩。The company's competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.该公司的竞争对手抱怨说他们受到死板法律合同的制约。Parents have complained that we are not keeping them very well informed of their children's progress.家长抱怨说我们没有详细地告诉他们有关孩子的进展情况。Some delegates complained of being sidelined.一些代表抱怨说他们成了局外人。The people standing beside me were grumbling about not being able to find a place to park.站在我旁边的那几个人在抱怨说找不到地方停车。Some grumbled that Johnson was more trouble than he was worth.有人抱怨说根本不值得为约翰逊浪费精力。Some of the younger women complained that he'd been taking liberties with them.一些年轻一点的妇女抱怨说他对她们过分亲热。Sgt Norwood complained that the article defamed him.诺伍德中士抱怨说这篇文章损害了他的名誉。Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。




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