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词汇 clean up
例句 The new mayor has really cleaned up city hall. 新市长着实把市政府整顿了一番。Will anyone volunteer to help me clean up this mess?有谁愿意帮我把这乱糟糟的地方收拾干净?Drastic measures are needed to clean up the profession.行业清理整顿需要严厉的措施。We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town.我们需要一位强硬的市长来整顿这个城市。Tony stayed behind and helped John clean up the kitchen.托尼留下来帮约翰清理厨房。They cleaned up on their recent business arrangement.他们在最近的一次买卖中赚了一笔钱。Hirst has cleaned up his act and lives in domestic tranquillity.赫斯特已经改过自新了,过着平静的家庭生活。They cleaned up the kitchen after supper.吃完晚饭后,他们把厨房收拾得干干净净。Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen.玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。He tries to clean up the house while the kids are asleep.他尽量在孩子们睡着时打扫房子。He promised the manager he would clean up this job before he left on his vacation.他向经理作了保证,他去度假之前要将这件工作完成。They might have cleaned up before they left.他们应该打扫干净再走的。Let's start in and clean up the kitchen.咱们开始打扫厨房吧。And while I'm out you might clean up the kitchen.我不在的时候,你打扫一下厨房总该可以吧。Most clubs have made a big effort to clean up football's image.大部分俱乐部都花了大力气来改善足球形象。I never had to clean up after him. If anything, he did most of the cleaning.我从来不用跟在他后面打扫卫生。恰恰相反,他包揽了大部分的清洁工作。They said they had cleaned up but there were bottles all over the place.他们说已经清扫过了,但那里到处都是瓶子。The project's aim is to clean up polluted land.该项目的目标是整治受污染的土地。Please clean up this mess right now.请马上把这堆乱七八糟的东西清理干净。Attempts to clean up the environment are doomed unless businesses take a leading role.除非企业起带头作用,否则治理环境的努力必定失败。So, yours truly was left to clean up.于是,鄙人留下来收拾残局。Thousands of volunteers gave up part of their weekend to clean up the California coastline.几千名志愿者放弃周末的部分休息时间,来清理加利福尼亚州的海岸。We love having our grandchildren visit, but they always leave such a mess for us to clean up.我们很乐意孙子们来玩,可他们总会弄得一团糟让我们来收拾。Many regional governments have cleaned up their beaches.许多地区政府已经对海滩进行了清理。Let's clean up the broken glass immediately before someone walks on it.让我们趁人还没踩上赶紧把这些碎玻璃清除干净。The new government has promised to clean up the city by getting rid of all the criminals.新政府已许诺要清除罪犯以整顿全市。Is there the political will to clean up the banking system?政府有清理整顿银行系统的决心吗?All of this will be cleaned up by the time I get back, I trust.但愿我回来时所有这一切都已清理干净。Stop farting around and help me clean up.别闲荡了,来帮我收拾吧。Mama made him clean up the plate.妈妈要他把盘子洗干净。He only cleans up his room when it gets really messy.房间实在凌乱不堪的时候他才会打扫。He talked his way out of staying to clean up after the party.他为自己辩解了一番,聚会后就不用留下来收拾了。Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed.他们力图重整政坛、摧毁现有的政党机器,却以失败收场。The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.市长概述了他改善城市形象的计划。The mayor carried through on her promise to clean up the city.市长兑现了她要整顿好这座城市的承诺。The boxer cleaned up on his opponent.这位拳击运动员彻底击败了对手。After years of drug abuse, she finally got treatment and cleaned up her act.吸毒数年后,她最终接受治疗,改过自新了。He decided to wait behind and help clean up.他决定留下来帮助打扫卫生。He made a half-arsed attempt to clean up after the party.聚会结束后,他随随便便收拾了一下。A massive effort will be required to clean up the debris.要清理这些废墟需要大量的工夫。




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