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词汇 抢占
例句 The supermarket giant has continued to gain market share.这家大型连锁超市继续抢占市场份额。Only the most vigorous will win their place in the sun.只有最具活力的才能抢占有利位置。The company is positioning itself to take advantage of a new market.这家公司计划抢占一个新市场。I managed to bag us a table by the window.我设法为我们抢占了一张靠窗的桌子。We got there early and grabbed seats at the front.我们到得很早,先抢占了前排的位置。All parents want to give their kids a head start in life.所有家长都希望让自己的孩子在人生道路上抢占先机。Our rival company managed to steal a march on us by bringing out their software ahead of ours.与我们竞争的公司先于我们推出了他们的软件,从而抢占了先机。Rival trade union organizations continuously jockey for position.互相敌对的工会组织不断运用各种手段抢占有利地位。Protesters rushed the platform during his speech.他演讲时抗议者拥上去抢占讲台。She wanted to get there early and grab a seat.她想早点到那里,抢占一个座位。Senator Johnson accused the President of stealing his thunder on the tax issue.约翰逊参议员指责总统在税收问题上抢占了他的功劳。If they are too hesitant about starting new projects, others will steal a march on them.如果他们对于开展新项目犹豫不决,其他人便会抢占先机。Everyone in the crowd was jostling for room/space.人群中每个人都在挤来挤去抢占位置/地盘。They gained a tactical advantage by joining with one of their competitors.他们与一个竞争对手联手,从而在策略上抢占了先机。Followers of the president jostled for position in front of the TV cameras.总统的拥护者推挤着抢占电视摄像机前面的位置。Broadcast networks are losing share to cable networks.广播公司的市场份额正被有线电视抢占We went to the show early to stake out a good spot.我们早早地去了表演地点,抢占一个好位置。This is our chance to grab a slice of this new market.这是我们在这个新市场上抢占一席之地的一个机会。




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