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词汇 cleaners
例句 Hospital cleaners were criticized for the unhygienic conditions of the central kitchens.医院清洁工因中央厨房的卫生条件不佳而受到批评。Street cleaners were sluicing down the pavements.街道清洁工正在冲洗人行道。After the party we can get in professional carpet-cleaners to do the job.晚会后,我们可以请专业地毯清洁工来打扫。He picked up his clothes at the cleaners.他顺便去洗衣房取走了衣服。We used a sample on that track and the record company took us to the cleaners.我们只使用了那段音轨中的一个片段,结果唱片公司就把我们的钱都洗劫一空了。I heard that his ex-wife really took him to the cleaners in the divorce.我听说,他前妻和他离婚时攫走了他所有的财产。My wool coat is still at the dry cleaner's/cleaners.我的羊毛大衣现在还在干洗店里。I took my suit to the cleaners.我把套装送去干洗店了。He took me to the cleaners. 他几乎骗光了我所有的钱财。The latest Japanese vacuum cleaners contain sensors that detect the amount of dust and type of floor.日本的最新真空吸尘器配有可探测灰尘多少和地板类型的传感器。The shop sells reconditioned vacuum cleaners.这家商店出售翻新的吸尘器。I don't have the face to take yet another pair to the dry cleaners and ask them to sew them up.我可没脸再拿一条裤子去干洗店请他们缝补了。We tested a selection of vacuum cleaners, from old faithfuls to those with the latest features.我们测试了各种真空吸尘器,从值得信赖的老牌子到有着最新特色的产品,不一而足。Each morning cleaners make sure everything is spotless.每天早晨,清洁工会把一切都打扫得干干净净。It's difficult for window cleaners to ply their trade round here.在这儿附近干窗户擦洗工作是很不容易的。Washing machines and vacuum cleaners are timesaving devices.洗衣机和真空吸尘器是省时的设备。Just go to the dry cleaners, show them the dress, and demand that they pay for the damage.你就到干洗店去,把裙子拿给他们看,要求他们赔偿损失。She wanted to reward the cleaners for their efforts.她想对清洁工的努力作出奖赏。Joe sold vacuum cleaners door to door for years.乔多年来一直在挨家挨户推销真空吸尘器。We were like cleaners, floor scrubbers.我们就像清洁工和地板擦洗工。She plotted taking him to the cleaners for every cent he had.她密谋骗光了他的每一分钱。Would these computer cleaners be any use to you?这些电脑清洁剂对你有用吗?I left my suit at the cleaners and I have to collect it today.我把西服放在洗衣店了,今天得去取。These new industrial cleaners are much lower in ammonia and other dangerous chemicals than before.这些新型的工业用清洁剂中,氨和其他危险的化学物质含量都较以前的低很多。The shop repairs vacuum cleaners.这家店修理吸尘器。Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and refrigerators are household appliances.真空吸尘器、洗衣机和电冰箱都是家用设备。If stain remover doesn't work, you'd better send your dress to the dry cleaners.如果去污剂不起作用,那你最好把衣服送到干洗店里去洗。




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