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词汇 投掷
例句 Groups of drunken hooligans smashed shop windows and threw stones.一群群醉醺醺的小流氓砸碎商店的橱窗,还投掷石块。Gangs of youths were throwing stones and bottles at the police.一伙男青年在向警察投掷石块和瓶子。He throws well.投掷很好。The dropping of the first atom bomb marked a new epoch in warfare.第一颗原子弹的投掷标志着战争进入了新纪元。Gangs rioted last night, breaking storefront windows and hurling rocks and bottles.几个帮派昨晚聚众闹事,他们打碎商店临街的玻璃窗,并投掷石块和瓶子。The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.警方面对的是一伙投掷砖头和汽油弹的暴民。Masked youths threw stones and fire-bombs.蒙面的年轻人投掷石块和燃烧弹。When you're throwing, snap your wrist as you release the ball.投掷时,要在掷球的同时甩动手腕。Masked youths threw stones and firebombs.蒙面年轻人投掷了石块和燃烧弹。Militants lobbed grenades at the soldiers.激进分子向士兵投掷手榴弹。Enemy planes dropped bombs on the airport.敌机向机场投掷炸弹。Blake was poleaxed by a missile thrown from the crowd.布莱克被人群中投掷过来的东西打昏在地。Demonstrators threw rotten tomatoes at the car.示威者向汽车投掷烂西红柿。Bottles and fireworks were lobbed towards them.有人向他们投掷瓶子和火焰弹。Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.大多数抗议者克制住了,没有投掷石块和蓄意破坏。Rioters set up barricades and stoned police cars.暴徒们设置了街垒,并向警车投掷石块。He made throwing motions with his hands.他双手做投掷动作。Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks.抗议者向士兵投掷石块。The rioters were throwing petrol bombs.暴乱分子在投掷汽油弹。The demonstrators threw stones and the police responded with tear gas.示威者投掷石块,警察则回以催泪瓦斯。The demonstration turned ugly when a group of protesters started to throw bottles at the police.一群示威者开始向警察投掷瓶子,示威游行于是演变成了暴力事件。He needs to have better consistency throwing downfield.他的前场投掷需要保持更好的稳定性。The next pitch was a fastball on the outside.紧接着的一次投掷是一记偏外快球。The demonstrators were brickbatted.游行示威者被投掷碎砖。He gloved the ball, turned and threw in one motion.他接球、转身、投掷,动作一气呵成。The meeting was disrupted by a group of protesters who shouted and threw fruit at the speaker.一群抗议者一边呼喊一边向发言者投掷水果,让会议无法正常进行下去。The demonstrators were hurling rocks at the police.示威者向警察投掷石块。Rioters pelted the police.骚乱者不断向警方投掷东西。In the latest incident at the weekend police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them.在周末发生的最近一起暴力事件中,警方与向他们投掷手榴弹的一伙匪徒展开了枪战。The monkeys in the trees aimed volleys of fruit at the tourists.树上的猴群向游人接二连三地投掷水果。Prisoners shouted and hurled slates in protest.囚犯们大声呼喊并投掷石块表示抗议。Groups of angry youths hurled stones at police.一群群愤怒的年轻人向警察投掷石块。David slung a stone at Goliath, killing the giant.大卫用投石环索朝歌利亚投掷石块,将这巨人杀死了。Protesters threw rocks at the police.抗议者们向警察投掷石块。Her favorite game is darts.她最喜欢的游戏是投掷飞镖。Angry demonstrators threw stones.愤怒的示威者投掷石块。The pitcher has struggled in his last three outings. 在最后三次投掷中,那位投手已经尽力了。They gave no warning before they lobbed grenades at us.他们没有发出警告就向我们投掷手榴弹。The young athlete throws well.那个年轻运动员投掷得很好。Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。




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