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词汇 again and again
例句 They hit him again and again until he was unconscious.他们一次又一次地打他,直到他失去了知觉。The book had been read again and again, until it finally fell to pieces.那本书被反复阅读后终于变得破烂不堪。She returned to the bookstore again and again. 她一次又一次地返回书店。I read through her letter again and again.我一遍遍地看她的信。We've seen her golden smile and her figure in the glossies again and again.我们看到她的灿烂笑容和曼妙体态一次又一次地出现在时尚杂志上。Her assailant lunged, stabbing at her again and again.袭击者猛扑过来,捅了她一刀又一刀。The coach made us do it again and again till we got it right.教练让我们再三地练习,直到做对为止。I pondered the incident,asking myself again and again how it could have happened.我反复思考那件事,一再自问究竟是怎么回事。She ran a brush over her hair again and again.她把头发刷了又刷。He chalked his billiard cue again and again.他一再用白垩粉擦他的球杆尖。The actress was bowing her thanks again and again.女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。Despite being rebuffed again and again, he continued to phone her.尽管一再遭到拒绝,他仍继续打电话给她。He wiped out the table again and again before supper.晚饭前他把桌子擦了一遍又一遍。People clapped and shouted and made her come on again and again.人们鼓掌欢呼,使她一再上台谢幕。His work was rejected again and again, and he grew more and more despondent.他的作品一次又一次被退回,他越来越泄气了。She kept going over the accident again and again in her mind, wishing that she could somehow have prevented it.她不断地想起那起事故,希望当时要是能做些什么来避免就好了。The rips in the boat's old sails had been patched again and again.这艘船旧帆上的裂口被补了又补。Chef Michael Almay's creations will make you want to come back again and again.厨师迈克尔·奥梅创作的菜肴会让你一次又一次地做他们的回头客。She kept asking the same question again and again.她再三地问相同的问题。The dog pawed at the doorknob again and again.那只狗一次又一次地抓门把。His socks had been darned again and again.他的袜子补了又补。I've told him again and again what I think, but he won't listen.我一再告诉他我的想法,可他不愿意听。He was rebuffed again and again.他一再受人冷落。The cat pawed at the ball of knitting wool again and again.猫一次又一次地抓这团毛线。He would go over his work again and again until he felt he had it right.他会反复检查自己的工作直到他认为正确为止。They bombed London again and again.他们一次又一次地轰炸伦敦。We went over the accident again and again in our minds.我们在脑海里反复思考这次事故。I told him over and over again to be careful. = I told him again and again to be careful. 我再三告诫他要小心谨慎。This kind of ignorance is something that I see again and again.这一类的无知行为,我屡见不鲜。I've told you again and again not to do that.我一再告诉过你不要那样做。I've told you again and again - don't play ball near the windows.我一再告诉你—不要靠近窗边玩球。I have explained again and again, but even now they don't understand.我已解释了一遍又一遍,尽管如此,他们还是不明白。What he can do is just wishing away again and again.他所能做的就只是一次又一次地表示愿望。




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