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词汇 抄袭
例句 The only way I made it through high school was by copying off my best friend.我混完中学的唯一方法就是抄袭我的好朋友。She cribbed the answers from her friend's exercise book.她从她朋友的练习本中抄袭答案。Brown is not being accused of copying text from the book, but of stealing ideas.布朗受指责不是因为他从书中抄袭文本,而是从中剽窃创意。Professional designers and architects steal ideas from each other all the time.专业设计师和建筑师总是相互抄袭设计思路。It is dishonest to copy your neighbour's answers.抄袭旁座的答案是不诚实行为。The singer denies that he copied the tune from an old Beatles song.那歌手否认那曲子是抄袭了披头士乐队的一首老歌。There's nothing to prevent these guys from copying our idea.没有任何办法阻止这些家伙抄袭我们的想法。Any student caught copying will fail the test.被发现抄袭的学生该门考试将不予及格。You have been cribbing from Bennett.你一直在抄袭贝内特。The poem employs as its first lines a verse plagiarized from a billboard.这首诗开头的几行抄袭了一个广告牌上的一节诗。He plagiarized a classmate's report.抄袭同学的报告。He didn't want anyone to crib the answers from him.他不想让任何人抄袭他的答案。She was caught copying off another student.她被抓到抄袭另外一个学生的答案。She claims that the director stole ideas from her historical novel and used them in the movie.她声称那位导演抄袭她历史小说的构思并用于影片中。The speech was copied word for word.演讲稿是逐字抄袭的。The company has been accused of copying software ideas from larger competitors.该公司被指责抄袭大竞争对手的软件设计思路。The teacher accused him of copying.老师指责他抄袭Evidence of plagiarism has been found in his latest book.在他的新书中发现了抄袭的证据。He got kicked out of school because he plagiarized a term paper.他因抄袭学期论文被勒令退学。All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.所有作者都需注意不要在无意中抄袭了他人的观点。The book contains numerous plagiarized passages.该书有许多段落是抄袭的。The teacher made an example of the student who had copied his neighbor's answers during the finals.老师当众惩罚在期末考试中抄袭邻座答案的那位学生以儆效尤。The song is an obvious rip-off.这首歌明显是抄袭的。Most of his answers had been copied straight from the student who sat next to him.他的大部分答案都是直接抄袭旁边学生的。It was a direct crib from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.这是直接从《银河系漫游指南》一书中抄袭过来的。If I see anyone copying I'll send you straight to the principal's office.如果发现有人抄袭,我会直接把他送到校长室去。The student was placed on probation for copying test answers.这个学生因考试抄袭答案而被留校察看。He was forced to defend himself against accusations of plagiarism.他被迫对自己涉嫌抄袭的指控进行辩护。Plagiarism is a contravention of school policy.抄袭行为违反校规。He was disqualified from the exam for copying.他因抄袭而被取消考试资格。She claimed that she didn't plagiarize - she just paraphrased.她声称自己没有抄袭,只是改述了一下。He stole that riff from another song.他从另一首歌中抄袭了那个连复段。Most of the article was lifted from a women's magazine.这篇文章的大部分都是从一本女性杂志中抄袭的。Mary copied Sally's composition word for word.玛丽一字不变地抄袭萨莉的作文。The teacher made an example of the boy who copied from another student during a test.教师当众惩戒在考试中抄袭他人的男孩以儆效尤。She had blatantly copied the text from another book.她明目张胆地抄袭了另一本书的文字。Copying from another candidate results in automatic expulsion.抄袭其他应试者将被自动取消资格。




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