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词汇 clasped
例句 She clasped his hand tight in hers.她紧紧握著他的手。She stood still, head bowed, hands clasped in front of her.她一动不动地站着,低着头,双手紧扣在胸前。She clasped her bag tightly as she walked through the crowd.穿过人群时,她紧紧地抓着自己的包。She clasped the crying child to her breast.她把哭泣的孩子抱到怀里。She clasped the photograph in her hands.她将照片紧紧抓在手里。She clasped a hand over her open mouth.她用手紧紧地捂着张开的嘴巴。He clasped his old friend by the hand.他紧紧地握住老朋友的手。Anna reached out her hand to him and clasped his.安娜向他伸出手,两双手握在一起。She clasped her son in her arms.她把儿子紧紧搂在怀里。He clasped her hand gently/firmly.他轻轻/紧紧地握住她的手。She clasped the children to her.她把孩子们紧紧地搂进怀里。She clasped her hands together on her lap.她十指紧扣,放在膝上。She clasped her daughter passionately in her arms.她深情地将女儿搂在怀里。She faced Will, her hands clasped together.她面对威尔,双手十字交错地握着。She clasped the child to her breast. 她把孩子紧紧抱在胸前。He paced the corridor, hands clasped behind his back.他双手紧扣背在身后,在走廊里踱来踱去。She clasped her hands together.她两手十指交叉紧握着。Fanny clasped her hands in mute protest.范妮拍着手表示无声的抗议。She clasped her hands, and glancing upward, seemed to implore divine assistance.她双手紧握,眼睛看着上方,似乎在祈求上天的帮助。He clasped his dying wife to his chest.他把垂死的妻子紧紧地抱在怀里。He clasped Lindsay's hand tightly.他紧紧握住林赛的手。He sat with his hands clasped in his lap.他坐着,双手紧握放在膝上。He had his hands clasped behind his head.他双手抱在脑后。He clasped her veinous and knotted hands.他抓住她那青筋暴突而多节的双手。She clasped her hands tightly in her lap. = Her hands were clasped tightly in her lap. 她把双手合拢放在大腿上。She lay beside him, clasped in his arms.她躺在他身旁,依偎在他怀里。Tim clasped his hands together and held them loosely in front of his belly.蒂姆双手紧扣,放松置于腹前。His hands were clasped behind him like a drill sergeant.他双手背在身后,像一个教官。She clasped her purse shut.她扣上了手提包。She briefly clasped his hand.她匆匆地跟他握了握手。Porter clasped his hands behind his head and grinned.波特用双手抱住后脑勺,咧嘴笑了。He clasped the keys to his belt.他把钥匙紧紧钩在腰带上。




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