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例句 Add a cup of sugar. Then beat in three eggs.加一杯糖,然后打入三个蛋。Attempts to infiltrate undercover agents into the gang have failed.警方派卧底打入这一团伙的尝试失败。One of the bullets passed through Andrea's chest before embedding itself in a wall.一颗子弹射穿安德烈亚的胸部,然后打入了墙壁。Stir in the eggs and season with salt and pepper.把蛋打入然后调上盐和辣椒。To lose this game would lengthen the odds on Scotland qualifying for the tournament.若这场比赛失利,苏格兰打入联赛的希望就又少了一些。Armstrong drove the ball into the roof of the net.阿姆斯特朗将球打入球门网顶。We can reach these markets through our existing distribution channels.我们可以通过现有的配送渠道打入这些市场。He fell into disfavor as the president fell in the polls.总统大选失败后,他被打入了冷宫。Maria looks set to invade the music scene with her style and image.看来玛丽亚准备好了要凭借她自身的风格和形象打入音乐界。Beat in the eggs, one at a time.打入鸡蛋,每次一个。The police can't infiltrate into the closely-knit organization.警察无法打入到那个严密的组织里去。The company is trying to penetrate the U.S. market.公司正竭力打入美国市场。They repeatedly tried to infiltrate assassins into the palace.他们几次想让刺客打入皇宫内部。Many British firms have failed in their attempts to break into the American market.许多英国公司试图打入美国市场,但都失败了。They were a side hell-bent on a place in the Premier League.他们决意打入英超联赛。Government agents had been infiltrating paramilitary groups.政府人员已经暗中打入准军事集团。He curled the ball into the top right hand corner.他一记弧线球从球门右上角打入This is the first time they've ever made it through to the final.这是他们第一次打入决赛。With a heavy swing of the mallet, he drove the post into the ground.他用木槌一记重敲将柱子打入地里。He jabbed the ball into the net in the final minute of the game.在比赛的最后时刻他一记劲射将球打入网窝。He holed the ball in a single shot.他一击就把球打入了穴。Coming on as a substitute, he scored four crucial goals for Cameroon.作为替补队员上场的他为喀麦隆队打入了四粒关键进球。All incoming phone calls are monitored for quality control.所有打入电话都要经过质量控制检测。He scored the winning goal just before the whistle blew.就在哨声吹响之前他打入了致胜的一球。Chandler's goal was in the dying minutes of the game.钱德勒的进球是在最后几分钟里打入的。Many garment exporters want to move upmarket.很多服装出口商想打入高端市场。The company views the project as a bridgehead into the Asian market.公司将此项目视为打入亚洲市场的据点。He knocked the ball into the corner/side pocket.他把球打入角/边袋。We made it to the basketball championships this year, but we lost in the final game.我们今年成功打入篮球锦标赛,但在决赛中失利了。She was a jock in high school and led her basketball team to the state championship.上高中时她是名运动员,曾带领她所在的篮球队打入州锦标赛。Klos fisted the ball into the net.克洛斯用拳头把球打入网内。He fell into disfavour as the president fell in the polls.总统大选失败后,他被打入了冷宫。Ozil has the most assists in the Premier League this season.本赛季联赛中厄齐尔助攻打入的球最多。Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.两位伪装成毒贩的密探打入了那个团伙。The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich.美国中央情报局已请求我们协助其打入在慕尼黑市外活动的贩毒集团。A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.一位记者设法打入了势力强大的贩毒集团内部。The coach is supremely confident that his team will reach the finals.教练对他的球队打入决赛信心百倍。Hit the ball into one of the side pockets.把球打入边上的一个落袋中。Aluminum was slowly wedging its way into the metal market.铝当时正在慢慢打入金属市场。 Visconti scored one goal himself and made two for Lupo.维斯孔蒂自己打入一球并为卢波助攻两球。




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