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词汇 扑去
例句 Bond made a dive for the gun lying on the floor.邦德向地板上的枪扑去He climbed over the wall and jumped the guard, easily overpowering him.他攀过墙猛地向卫兵扑去,轻而易举地制伏了他。With two quick thrusts of its tail, the shark was upon her.那条鲨鱼猛甩了两下尾巴,向她扑去He doubles up his left fist and starts towards him.他握紧左拳,朝他扑去The dog let out a savage howl and, wheeling round, flew at him.那只狗发出一声凶猛的狂吠,突然转身向他扑去The hawk stopped in mid-flight before diving down on its prey.老鹰在半空中停下来,然后往下向猎物扑去Jones dived on the ball a metre from the line.琼斯在离球门线一米的地方向球扑去When Harry refused, Don turned nasty and went for him with both fists.哈里拒绝后,唐翻了脸,挥动双拳向哈里扑去The attacker knocked on their door and made a lunge for Wendy when she answered.歹徒敲了他们的门,温迪一开门便向她扑去The fierce dog flew at the postman.这只凶恶的狗向邮递员扑去He dove for the ball.他一个鱼跃向球扑去The little boy jumped at his mother with joy.小男孩高兴地向他母亲扑去Mel watched in admiration as the goalkeeper leaped for the ball.梅尔满怀敬意地看着守门员飞身朝球扑去




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