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词汇 才干
例句 The company's success is due in no small measure to her talents. 公司的成功在很大程度上归功于她的才干She feels that her job doesn't extend her enough.她觉得她的工作不能充分发挥她的才干His is a true, if slender, talent.他的才干可能拙薄有限,但却是实实在在的。Gladstone was a politician of great ability.格拉德斯通是位极具才干的政治家。His brother exceeds him in talent.他的哥哥在才干上胜过他。She has everything: beauty, talent, children.她拥有一切:美貌、才干和子女。His wife has grown executive and used to command.他妻子变得很有管理才干并惯于发号施令。His special talents attracted my notice.他特殊的才干引起了我的注意。He did it entirely for your benefit.他完全是为了你的利益才干那件事的。In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and skills.在我们的文化中,我们往往羞于谈论自己的才干和技能。This sort of work calls for special talents.做这种工作要求特殊的才干Managers may value different qualities in men than in women, reinforcing gender stereotypes.管理者可能会在男性和女性身上看重不同的才干,这就进一步强化了性别成见。Ability and effort condition success.成功取决于才干和努力。She succeeded in fulfilling herself as an actress.她作为一位演员充分发挥了自己的才干Democracy and entrepreneurial flair often sit uneasily together.民主与创业才干常常不能融洽地并存。I had fallen into my old bad habit of leaving everything until the last minute.我又恢复了过去什么事都要拖到最后一刻才干的坏习惯。I was impressed by his prodigious talent.他那过人的才干给我留下深刻的印象。Her talent is underused.她的才干未得到充分施展。He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work.他的才干得不到充分施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。That's altogether typical of Tom!那只有汤姆才干得出来!She has a job that makes the most of her talents.她的工作能充分发挥她的才干He openly boasted of his talents.他当众吹嘘自己的才干It is a disgrace that such talent should go unrecognized.这样的才干得不到承认真是太不像话了。He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。It's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board.在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。Your sales figures reflect well on your ability as a salesman.你的售货数字说明你作为销售员的才干出色。He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern.他没有什么能力,缺乏管理才干Her abilities are not fully appreciated by her employer.她的才干没有得到雇主的充分赏识。He won his position by sheer ability.他赢得地位全凭才干I don't like my job - I simply do it for the money.我不喜欢自己的工作——我纯粹是为了钱才干的。He can't find a market for his skills.他未能找到施展才干的地方。




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