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词汇 手术后
例句 I felt more pain after the procedure, not less.手术后,我的疼痛没有减轻反而加剧了。They blindfolded my eyes for a week after the operation.手术后他们把我的眼睛蒙了一周时间。After the operation she was taken to the recovery room.手术后,她被推进了康复室。After the operation the wound became infected.手术后伤口受到了感染。After the operation her condition was described as comfortable.手术后她的身体状况被描述为良好。She didn't get about much after her operation.手术后不常外出走动。Bill spent two weeks in the hospital regaining his strength after the operation.比尔在手术后住院两周,以恢复体力。He's recuperating from major heart surgery.他做完心脏大手术后,正在休养恢复。He fully recovered from the operation.手术后完全康复了。The side of my face was still numb an hour after the surgery.手术后一小时我的半边脸仍没知觉。He slowly regained consciousness after the surgery.手术后他慢慢恢复了知觉。I felt a little bit groggy for a couple of days after the operation.手术后几天我都觉得有点头昏乏力。Thousands of letters and telegrams arrived wishing Nikolai a speedy recovery from his surgery.成千上万封来信和电报都祝愿尼古拉手术后迅速康复。I didn't have much discomfort after the operation.手术后我并未觉得很不舒服。His face had swollen up because of the operation.手术后他的脸肿了起来。You'll be uncomfortable for a few days after the surgery.手术后的几天你会感到有点不舒服。Gail was still recovering from the effects of her operation.盖尔手术后身体虚弱,仍然在恢复之中。The prognosis after the operation was for a full recovery.手术后的预断结果是完全康复。She was on her feet soon after the operation.手术后她很快就康复下床了。Some people develop complications after surgery.有些人手术后会出现并发症。I was doped up with/on painkillers after my surgery.手术后,镇痛药让我神志不清。After the operation you may feel disorientated for a short time.手术后你可能会感到短暂的头晕。She spent the night in intensive care after the operation.手术后的当晚她在重症监护下度过。He'll be out of circulation for a while after the surgery.手术后他短期内将不能参加社交活动。The bleeding stemmed after the operation.手术后血止住了。I lost a patient today. Young chap. Postoperative haemorrhage.今天我未能救活一个病人。是个年轻的小伙子,死于手术后大出血。For a week after surgery she took prescription pain medication/relievers. 手术后的一周,她都服用处方止疼片。A few hours after the operation, the patient was resting easily.手术后几小时,病人一直在安适地休息着。I was on crutches for three months after the operation.手术后我拄了三个月的拐杖。I am still a bit sore after my operation.手术后伤口还有点痛。He came over to see me after my surgery.手术后,他来看我。She bounced back easily from her surgery.手术后她迅速康复。I felt a great deal better after the surgery.手术后我感觉好多了。She's going to need time to recuperate after the operation.手术后她需要时间康复。A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.手术后膝盖不能打弯,她走路一瘸一拐的。Given the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.他的整体健康状况既然如此,手术后他也许要过一段时间才能康复。She suffered a significant loss of hearing after the operation.她自手术后听力便大大下降了。After her surgery, she received therapy to keep the muscles from atrophying.做完手术后,她接受了避免肌肉萎缩的理疗。After your operation, you'll need to convalesce for a week or two.手术后你需要休养一两个星期。After the operation, I was told to take things easy for a month or two.手术后,有人告诉我要休息一两个月。




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