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词汇 房租
例句 The landlord turned them out from/of the apartment for not paying the rent.因为不付房租,房东把他们赶出了公寓。I was paying the rent and the bills and all the rest of it.我要付房租及账单等等。Where we live, the rents are fairly cheap, but a little further north it's a different story.我们住的地方房租很便宜,但是再往北一点情况就完全不同了。We pay rent separately, but we share the other bills.我们各付各的房租,但其他账单大家分摊。Many people struggle to pay their rent and utility bills.许多人要尽全力才能勉强支付房租和公共事业费。What percentage of your income do you spend on rent?你的房租支出占你收入的多少?If he doesn't pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit.如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。Some landlords have become greedy and are demanding higher rents than people can afford.有些房东变得很贪,要求的房租超过了人们所能负担的。Rent is one form of revenue.房租是一种收入。They had been evicted for non-payment of rent.他们因为付不出房租被赶了出去。We pay our rent at the end of each quarter.我们于每个季度末付房租After paying rent he doesn't have much left to buy food and pay bills.付了房租以后,他剩下来买食物和付账单的钱就不多了。They were evicted from the house for not paying their rent.他们由于不付房租被赶出了屋子。My rent eats up most of my money.我的房租要花去我大部分的钱。They flitted owing six weeks rent.他们悄无声息地跑了,还欠了六个星期的房租Their landlord has threatened to send in the bailiffs if they don't pay their rent.房东威胁说,如果他们不付房租就叫法庭执达官来。We pay our rent at the beginning of the month.我们月初付房租What money he earns goes on food and rent.他挣的钱都花在了吃饭和房租上。If the landlord raises the rent again, we'll just have to move out.如果房东再提高房租,我们就不得不搬走。Families withheld rent and were evicted.住户不交房租,被赶出了房屋。The rent falls due tomorrow, don't forget to pay it.房租明天到期,别忘了付。Rent is our biggest expense.房租是我们最大的开销。My client was unable to meet her rent payments.我的客户没有能力支付房租We still haven't paid last month's rent.我们还未付上月的房租They were unable to pay the rent, and were evicted from their home.他们付不起房租,所以被赶出了门。The rent is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect.房租合理,而且地段极好。The old man's small income from rents was his only dependence.那位老人微薄的房租收入是他唯一的生活来源。I love the apartment, but I don't think we can afford the rent.我喜欢这套公寓房,但是我想我们付不起房租One third of my budget goes towards rent.我预算的三分之一用来付房租Rising rents and travel expenses simply eat into any pay rise that nurses might get.不断上涨的房租和交通费把护士们可能得到的加薪都消耗掉了。It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付她的那份房租My parents send me money for food, rent, and other things.父母寄钱给我买吃的、付房租以及支付其他费用。When his rent was raised, he made the fateful decision to move north.房租上涨,他作出重大决定,搬到北方去住。After she'd paid her rent, Jakki had no money left for food.贾姬付完房租后,就没钱买吃的了。The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.房东太太每月过来一次收房租Even slight rent increases would cause considerable hardship.即使房租只抬高一点点都会引起相当程度的拮据。He faces eviction because he has not paid his rent.他因为没有付房租,快要被赶出来了。We were going to renew our lease, but the landlord threw a wrench into the works by increasing the rent.我们打算续租,但是房东涨房租破坏了我们的计划。You're two months behind with the rent.你的房租已拖欠了两个月。He didn't even earn enough to pay the rent.他挣的钱甚至连付房租都不够。




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