例句 |
He was seasoned to outdoor work.他适应了户外工作。The weather was fine enough for working out of doors.天气太好了,适合户外工作。I could tell he worked outdoors, because he had a deep tan.我看得出他是在户外工作的,因为他晒得很黑。He was tanned from working outdoors in the sun.他在户外工作,被晒黑了。After working outdoors for years, he chafed at being stuck in an office all day.在户外工作多年后,他对整天待在办公室感到恼火。He is most comfortable working outdoors. 他做户外工作最适合。It was outdoor work, and fairly healthy.这是户外工作,相当有益健康。All that outdoor work has made him very strong.这一切户外工作使他变得非常强壮。They worked outside, so they preferred wearing functional clothes.他们在户外工作,所以喜欢穿实用的衣服。He wants a job that will let him work outdoors.他希望得到一份户外工作。 |