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词汇 戴维
例句 They were frantically searching for David.他们在疯狂地寻找戴维I've no idea what is happening - David has not favoured me with an explanation.我不清楚是怎么回事——戴维没有给我任何解释。It's quite inconceivable that David could have done it.真想不到戴维竟然做到了。Please, David, put the knife down.求求你,戴维,把刀放下。So who spilled the beans about her affair with David?那到底是谁把她和戴维的私情抖搂出来的?David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。David Hasselhoff is huge in Germany.戴维·哈塞尔霍夫在德国大受欢迎。David had gone on a pub crawl with pals from his rugby club.戴维和他橄榄球俱乐部的朋友们去串酒吧了。David had his breakfast and thought about the day ahead.戴维吃了早餐,思考这一天将要面临的事。David was barrelling down the hall towards her.戴维飞快地穿过大厅,朝她跑去。Her voice died away as she saw the look on David's face.看见戴维脸上的表情时,她的话音就越来越轻慢慢听不见了。Brigadier Jones/David Jones琼斯/戴维·琼斯准将David tries to avoid work at all times.戴维总是试图躲避工作。David sends his warmest regards to your parents.戴维向你的父母致以最热烈的问候。David's brother told reporters that the family felt no animosity towards anyone over David's death.戴维的兄弟告诉记者说,对于戴维的死,他们家不怨恨任何人。What's up with David? Is he drunk or something?戴维怎么啦?喝醉了还是怎么的?David knelt, cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face.戴维跪下身,用手捧起河水往脸上撩。David would not accept this.戴维不愿接受这个东西。Until he got used to his new school, Davy kept to himself and almost never spoke to the other children.戴维习惯新学校以前,一个人独处,几乎从不与其他孩子说话。David goes to a special school for disabled children.戴维去一所为残疾儿童开设的特殊学校上学。Claire positioned herself so as not to obstruct David's line of sight.克莱尔为了不挡住戴维的视线挪了一下位置。David is a top bloke.戴维是个很不错的人。I've known David for years.我已经认识戴维好多年了。David thought those stocks were sure to rise, but it looks as if he's backed the wrong horse.戴维以为那些股票肯定会涨,现在看来他是看走了眼。David bent down to tie his shoelace.戴维弯下身系鞋带。The feminists marched in thousands when David Laing urged married women to give up their jobs and stay at home.戴维·莱恩呼吁已婚妇女放弃工作待在家里后,便有数千名女权主义者起来游行。David suddenly gripped my arm and pulled me away from the road.戴维突然抓住我的手臂,把我拉到路旁。David was the most urbane of correspondents.戴维是记者中最有礼貌的一位。David felt too shy to say anything, and looked at them awkwardly.戴维羞得什么话都讲不出来,只是局促不安地看着他们。David is now living in Beirut again after an enforced absence.戴维在被迫离开后,现在又回到了贝鲁特生活。David's really shy - he always turns red when the teacher asks him a question.戴维真的很害羞—老师问他问题时他总是会脸红。David, who won first prize in the lottery, has received more than 100 letters from charities asking for money.戴维中了彩票头奖,收到了一百多封慈善机构请求捐款的信。David gnawed his lip, obviously worried.戴维不停地咬嘴唇,显然他很担心。David accepts his own vulnerability.戴维承认了自己的脆弱。I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme.戴维发誓要离开这个项目,我不得不对他表示钦佩。David pulled the blankets up so only the top of his head remained in view.戴维把毯子拉上来,只把脑袋露在外面。David broke the chocolate bar in half and gave a piece to Sue.戴维把巧克力条掰成两半,把其中一半给了休。Poor David, he's very unlucky!可怜的戴维,他很不走运。As David grew older he became increasingly disillusioned with socialism.随着年龄的增长,戴维对那个项目越来越不抱有幻想了。David seems to be running out of steam.戴维看起来是精疲力竭了。




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