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词汇 截然相反
例句 His comments were a flat contradiction of his sister's statement.他的意见与他姐姐的说法截然相反He feels that his Christian beliefs and the principles of capitalism are diametrically opposed.他感到自己的基督教信仰和资本主义原理是截然相反的。Two opposing explanations can be offered.可以提供两种截然相反的解释。They are worlds apart in their political views.他们的政治观点截然相反The argument contained herein takes exactly the opposite point of view.此处的论点截然相反Her opinions are the direct opposite of mine.她的意见与我的截然相反We're good friends, but we have opposite views when it comes to politics.我们是好朋友,但在政治上我们的观点截然相反The new claim is directly contrary to what was originally stated.新的说法与最初的说法截然相反The interests of buyers and sellers are diametrically opposed to each other.买方利益与卖方利益是截然相反的。Ortega's cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller's dark, troubled portraits.奥尔特加明快的风景画同米勒阴郁的肖像画截然相反The two things are so opposed that they just cancel each other out.两者如此截然相反,以致起了相互抵消的作用。His ideas run countercurrent to ours.他的思想和我们的截然相反My opinions are the direct opposite of his.我的意见与他的截然相反This statement was in direct opposition to what they had said previously.这一陈述与他们之前所言截然相反We held almost diametrically opposing points of view.我们持几乎截然相反的观点。Much to my amusement, his confident prediction of victory turned out to be completely wrong. 让我忍俊不禁的是,他很有信心地预测会取得胜利,结果却截然相反His views are directly opposed to mine.他的见解和我的截然相反We held diametrically opposing points of view.我们持有截然相反的观点。They're polar opposites.他们俩截然相反The two women were opposite in temperament.这两个女人的性情截然相反Their political beliefs are at opposite poles.他们的政治信念截然相反Happily, Lisa Martineau takes an opposite approach.幸运的是,莉萨·马蒂诺采取了截然相反的方式。The two systems of government are polar opposites.这两种政体截然相反Gina's the exact opposite of her little sister.吉娜和她小妹妹截然相反His position on the issue is diametrically opposed to that of his partner. 在这个问题上,他的立场与合伙人截然相反My sister and I are poles apart in personality.我和妹妹在性格上截然相反His political views are directly opposed to mine.他的政治观点与我的截然相反These two men might be thought to represent the opposite poles of economic ideology.这两个人可能被认为是两种截然相反的经济思想体系的代表者。




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