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词汇 戒烟
例句 I'm still trying to quit smoking.我还在努力戒烟It is hard to find a more compelling reason to quit smoking than the fact that it affects your children's health.与影响儿女健康这一事实相比,很难找到更令人信服的戒烟理由了。I went to a hypnotist to try to give up smoking.我去一位催眠师那里,让他帮我戒烟She gave up smoking when she was pregnant, fearful that it might damage her baby.她怀孕时担心抽烟会伤害婴儿,于是戒烟了。She's trying to give up the weed. 她正在努力戒烟With the help of a nicotine patch she was able to quit smoking.她在戒烟贴的帮助下戒了烟。I'm not suggesting that giving up smoking will be easy.我的意思并不是说戒烟很容易。If you want to quit smoking, you have to make a serious effort.如果你打算戒烟,就必须认真对待。By stopping smoking she believed she would lengthen her life.她相信戒烟可以让她延年益寿。Don't offer him a cigarette, he's trying to give it up.不要给他烟,他正在努力戒烟The doctors have told me that I should give up smoking.医生告诉过我应该戒烟The website offers sound advice on giving up smoking, including what to do with your hands if you feel fidgety.这个网站针对戒烟提出了一些可行的建议,包括烦躁不安时动手干点儿啥等等内容。I've quit smoking again, and there'll be no backsliding this time.我又戒烟了,这次我不会故态复萌的。The majority of smokers say that they would like to quit the habit.大多数吸烟者都说他们是想戒烟的。The scheme helps smokers to kick the habit.这项计划有助于烟民戒烟She experienced symptoms of nicotine withdrawal after she quit smoking.戒烟之后出现了尼古丁脱瘾症状。You mean you're not going to smoke one or two, like after meals?你是说要戒烟了,比如饭后抽一两支也免了? You were right to give up smoking.戒烟这事你做得对。She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.她在下决心努力戒烟He gave up smoking.戒烟了。I finally accepted the fact that I would die if I didn't stop smoking.我终于接受了这么一个事实:如不戒烟就要没命了。I tried to give up smoking several times before I realized I was addicted.我几次试图戒烟,最后才意识到我已经上瘾了。The reason she stopped smoking is perfectly obvious: she's pregnant.戒烟的原因极其明显:她怀孕了。I'm trying to give up smoking.我正在努力戒烟She says she's unable to give up smoking; she's completely addicted.她说她无法戒烟,已经完全上瘾了。Millions of people have tried to quit smoking and failed miserably.数以百万计的人试过戒烟,却以惨败告终。Stone's doctor ordered him to shed some weight and quit smoking.斯通的医生嘱咐他要快快减掉些体重并戒烟I gave up smoking nearly ten years ago.我差不多十年之前就戒烟了。Hypnotherapy can be useful in helping you give up smoking.催眠疗法可能有助于你戒烟I tried lots of ways to stop smoking, even cold turkey.我试过很多戒烟方法,甚至包括突然戒烟法。Some smokers use hypnosis to help them kick the habit.有些抽烟者借助催眠术来戒烟The survey shows that most smokers would like to stop smoking.调查显示,大多数吸烟者都想戒烟His attempts to stop smoking by willpower alone failed.他多次想单凭意志力戒烟都没有成功。A nicotine spray can help smokers quit the habit without putting on weight.尼古丁喷雾剂能够帮助吸烟者在不增加体重的同时戒烟A new helpline is now available for people trying to stop smoking.对于那些想戒烟的人,现在有一条新的服务热线可供咨询。Some people will succeed in their efforts to stop smoking.一些人经过努力可以成功戒烟Those who stopped smoking cigarettes reduced their risk.戒烟人群中,风险值降低。She has made previous attempts to quit smoking. 她以前曾尝试过戒烟By stopping smoking you are undoing most of the damage smoking has caused.通过戒烟可以消除吸烟造成的大部分危害。Giving up smoking is a very positive step towards better health.戒烟是改善健康状况的非常有效的一步。




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