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词汇 我见
例句 He was in very low water when I saw him last week.上星期我见到他时他手头正紧。They made me wait for half an hour before allowing me to see my father.他们故意让我等了半个小时才允许我见父亲。The second I saw him, I knew he was going to be a star.我见他的第一面,就知道他会成为一个明星。I saw him this morning, and I'll be meeting with him again tomorrow morning.今天早上我见到他了。明天早上我将再次与他会面。The waitresses were the smartest ones I'd ever seen.那是我见过衣着最整洁漂亮的女服务员。He was a frightening lizard of a man, and my skin crawled with fear of him.他是个像蜥蜴那样可憎的人,我见了他怕得皮肤都起鸡皮疙瘩。He chewed out the player, who apologized the next time I saw him.他把那名运动员训斥了一通,下次我见到那名运动员时,他道了歉。Over the next several months I met most of her family.在后来的几个月里,我见到了她的大部分家人。I have nothing to say until I see my lawyer.我见到律师以前我没有话可说。I get goose bumps when I see a snake.我见到蛇时会吓得浑身发毛。I've seen her perform on television, but never in the flesh.我见过她在电视上表演,但从来没见过本人。I see less of any of my friends than I used to.我见所有朋友都比以前少了。My heart leaped at the sight of her.我见到她时心都要跳出来了。She looked as right as rain when I saw her.我见到她时,她看起来状态很好。I met up with a designer to bounce a few ideas around.我见了一位设计师,聊了几个想法。I would not take amiss the opportunity to meet some of your friends.给我机会让我见见你的一些朋友我当然不反对。I recognized her instantly I saw her.我见到她一眼就认出她来了。I saw her a few days before she died.她去世的前几天我见过她。I know him by sight , but I don't know his name.我见过他,但不知道他的名字。I saw her just before she died.就在她去世前我见过她。I saw her a week after they'd had the argument and she was still fuming.他们吵架一周后我见到了她,她还在生气。There is no denying the fact of my having seen him.不能否定我见过他这一事实。I saw he was on, and quit talking.我见他已知情,便不说了。The last time I saw Helena she was looking pretty washed-out. Is she alright?上次我见到海伦娜时,她一副精疲力竭的样子。她没事吧?I saw this nice-looking man in a gray suit.我见到过这个身着灰色套装的英俊男士。I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs.我见过制陶工人捏塑、烧制碗碟花瓶,并在上面涂绘各种宗教图案。I saw her not long ago.不久前我见过她。At the family reunion, I saw relatives I haven't seen in years.在家庭聚会上,我见到了多年未见的亲戚。It would suit me fine if I never have to see them again.最好别再让我见到他们。You're the bravest, most audacious young man I've ever known.你是我见识过的最勇敢、也最目中无人的年轻人。I saw Josie today - she must still be angry with me because she cut me dead.今天我见到乔茜了,她对我肯定仍是怒气未消,因为她理都不理我。In the six years that intervened I saw them once.六年里我见过他们一次。He's a born politician if ever I saw one. 如果说我见过天生的政治家的话,那无疑就是他了。The people I met were intelligent, mature, personable.我见到的是一些聪明、成熟、品貌兼优的人。I saw your Mum today, and I promised that we'd go round later.今天我见到你妈妈,我答应我们稍后再去看她。After an anxious two-hour wait, I saw the doctor.焦急地等了两个小时后,我见到了医生。I met some friends and stayed out until eleven or twelve.我见了几个朋友,直到夜里十一二点才回家。That's the illest I have ever seen him.那是我见过的他最面容憔悴的一次。I met her on several occasions.我见过她几次。When I see needles I run a mile.我见到针头就会逃之夭夭。




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