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词汇 我应该
例句 Should I wear the red dress or the black one?我应该穿红色的礼服还是黑色的礼服?How many spoonfuls of sugar should I put in?我应该放多少匙糖?My doctor said I should vary my diet more.医生说我应该使日常饮食更加多样化。My mother is fairly flexible about what time I need to be home.妈妈对我应该什么时候回来非常通融。I should think you're about ready to collapse after all that walking.走了那么远的路,我应该想到你要累垮了。She thinks I should break up with him. What do you say? 她认为我应该和他分手。你怎么看?I should get him a gift at the duty-free shop.我应该在免税商店替他买件礼物。I ought to relax and stop worrying about it.我应该放松一下,不要再担心它了。I shall fumigate the greenhouse before planting the seedlings.在种植幼苗之前我应该把温室熏一熏。As managing director, I am expected to provide effective leadership.作为总经理,我应该表现出高效的领导作风。I'm supposed to be on a diet, but I still have the odd bar of chocolate on the sly.我应该正处于节食期,但我还是偶尔偷偷地吃一点巧克力。I thought I should warn her about it.我想我应该为此提醒她一下。I thought I'd, you know, have a chat with you.我想我应该,呃,和你谈谈。I should bethink myself of the need to study.我应该考虑学习的必要。The doctors have told me that I should give up smoking.医生告诉过我应该戒烟。There had been some suggestion that I should resign.有人提议我应该辞职。I ought to phone my parents.我应该给我的父母打电话。I shall tell her quite firmly what I think.我应该把我的想法明确地告诉她。I should know the answer, but my mind's a blank.我应该知道答案的,但我脑子里一片空白。I beg your pardon. I suppose I should have knocked.请原谅。我想我应该先敲一下门的。To cut back on cholesterol my doctor said I should eat less meat or none at all.为降低胆固醇,医生说我应该尽量少吃或完全不吃肉。Supposing he's right and I do die tomorrow? Maybe I should take out an extra insurance policy.假设他是对的,我确实明天就会死,那该怎么办?也许我应该再买一份保险。He said that I should see a doctor.他说我应该去找医生看看。My sister-in-law was preaching to the converted when she kept telling me I should recycle rubbish.我嫂子不断告诉我应该回收垃圾,我早就知道这些,她这样真没必要。Common sense tells me I should get more sleep.常识告诉我应该增加睡眠。I'll call you tomorrow - I should have the details by then.我明天会给你打电话——到那时我应该知道详情了。My friends keep saying I ought to learn to drive.我的朋友一直在说我应该去学开车。The doctor said I should have this mole removed.医生说我应该把这颗痣去掉。I realized that here the conventions required me to make the ritual noises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。Friends say I should call her bluff and agree to separate.朋友们说我应该就按她所威胁的那样,同意分居。Should I pay in dollars or pesos?我应该用美元还是比索付费?I ought to get up earlier.我应该早一些起床。Normally I would have gone straight home, but under the circumstances I thought I should check on my mother.一般我都直接回家了,但在那种情况下,我想我应该去看看我母亲。I should take something to read on the plane.我应该带点东西在飞机上读。I should have told Helen I was sorry. I feel really bad that I didn't.我应该跟海伦说对不起的,我非常后悔我没有说。I am due six days' leave.我应该获得六天的假期。Who shall I say is calling, Sir?我应该说是谁打的电话,先生?I knew I should have arrested her straight off.我知道我应该立即逮捕她的。I know, I know, I should have had the car checked out before now.我知道,我知道,我应该事先把汽车检查一下的。I should be revising, but I just can't be bothered.我应该温习功课,可就是犯懒。




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